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20 мар 2014, 22:29
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: Ukraine
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 5226


Russians open your eyes. Do not massage your brains Putin censorship.
Kiev are finally free and want to be part of the free world without filtering information.
There are not put in prison who have a different opinion in the free world. In Russia it is common.
There are not weaned opposition servers ...
19 дек 2012, 14:42
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: Countdown for ROSA Desktop 2012
Ответы: 7
Просмотры: 9367

Re: Countdown for ROSA Desktop 2012

08 дек 2012, 19:04
Форум: Desktop
Тема: ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 USB key installation
Ответы: 11
Просмотры: 15220

Re: ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 USB key installation

ferri писал(а):I tried to boot ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 from USB key without any success. :(
RC works without a problem from USB. :)
08 дек 2012, 18:37
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: 2012 Desktop Alpha 2 first impressions
Ответы: 14
Просмотры: 15869

Re: 2012 Desktop Alpha 2 first impressions

Pulfer писал(а): I'm really sorry about that. :oops: Kickoff was added to ISO packages list right after beta ISO build started 1 week ago. I was little late. But as now it's in ISO packages list, next time it will be 100% included in ISO.
Still missing in RC. :(
28 ноя 2012, 10:21
Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
Тема: ROSA Desktop 2012 Beta : some remarks
Ответы: 15
Просмотры: 15543

Re: ROSA Desktop 2012 Beta : some remarks

I tested some actual release of distros (Kubuntu, Fedora,openSuse), but there is for me impossible boot without nomodeset kernel option.
After booting the display resolution is strange (not full for my notebook monitor) and without possibility change it.
For example: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show ...
27 ноя 2012, 22:05
Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
Тема: ROSA Desktop 2012 Beta : some remarks
Ответы: 15
Просмотры: 15543

Re: ROSA Desktop 2012 Beta : some remarks

I have read ROSA Planet #3 (Technical bulletin) and I found there this sentence about new X-server and video cards:
The transition was painless: we have only one loss, it is free drivers for AMD/ATI videocards older than HD5xxx.
But I have older ATI Mobility Radeon X1350 card. Is there any ...
21 ноя 2012, 18:51
Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
Тема: ROSA Desktop 2012 Beta : some remarks
Ответы: 15
Просмотры: 15543

Re: ROSA Desktop 2012 Beta : some remarks

d_uragan писал(а):Firefox language packages have been finally built, should be available on mirrors during the day.
OK. I can confirm. :)
18 ноя 2012, 23:29
Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
Тема: ROSA Desktop 2012 Beta : some remarks
Ответы: 15
Просмотры: 15543

Re: ROSA Desktop 2012 Beta : some remarks

How it is with language packages for Firefox 16?
04 ноя 2012, 02:05
Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
Тема: ROSA Desktop 2012 Beta : some remarks
Ответы: 15
Просмотры: 15543

Re: ROSA Desktop 2012 Beta : some remarks

Today I tried install and launch Eclipse. But without success.
Is there any plans to update these packages?
04 ноя 2012, 00:03
Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
Тема: ROSA Desktop 2012 Beta : some remarks
Ответы: 15
Просмотры: 15543

Re: ROSA Desktop 2012 Beta : some remarks

I do it this way :) . But it is little confusing.
03 ноя 2012, 14:08
Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
Тема: ROSA Desktop 2012 Beta : some remarks
Ответы: 15
Просмотры: 15543

Re: ROSA Desktop 2012 Beta : some remarks

This time I have ROSA 2012 Desktop in virtual machine.

I mentioned that there is no action after pushing on panel icon about warning for available updates.
I subsequently push button Install updates and nothing. Again previous icon about waiting updates
26 окт 2012, 18:20
Форум: Desktop
Тема: ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 USB key installation
Ответы: 11
Просмотры: 15220

Re: ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 USB key installation

I again installed system into VMware Player virtual machine . This time I used image with date 17. 10. 2012.
System behaves equally like with image from 24. 10. 2012.
After setting hard display resolution for virtual machine, it stopped at this point.
26 окт 2012, 17:50
Форум: Desktop
Тема: ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 USB key installation
Ответы: 11
Просмотры: 15220

Re: ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 USB key installation

akdengi писал(а): Please see Errata and try use this ISO: http://mirror.yandex.ru/rosa/rosa/rosa2 ... ktop.Beta/
This ISO (dated 17. 10. 2012 ) is usable for USB key booting without any problem. :)
25 окт 2012, 20:30
Форум: Desktop
Тема: ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 USB key installation
Ответы: 11
Просмотры: 15220

Re: ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 USB key installation

akdengi писал(а): May you put here output for /boot/grub2/grub.cfg from non-working VMware Player? May be some kernel line option break load.
And were is system restarted?
Bad luck. :( I have already fired out iso image and not working virtual machine.
25 окт 2012, 19:41
Форум: Desktop
Тема: ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 USB key installation
Ответы: 11
Просмотры: 15220

Re: ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 USB key installation

Please see Errata and try use this ISO: http://mirror.yandex.ru/rosa/rosa/rosa2012.1/iso/ROSA.2012.Desktop.Beta/
OK. I will try. First I must download.

And I have another issue. :(
I installed system into VMware Player virtual machine from installation image with date 24. 10. 2012.
But ...
25 окт 2012, 18:53
Форум: Desktop
Тема: ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 USB key installation
Ответы: 11
Просмотры: 15220

ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 USB key installation

I tried to boot ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 from USB key without any success. :(
I used two ways:
- UNetbootin
- direct writing dd-if-of.
I have external DVD drive also. It boots Beta 1 without any problem.

But ROSA 2012 RP1 MARATHON EE boots from USB key without a problem.
25 окт 2012, 18:42
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: 2012 Desktop Alpha 2 first impressions
Ответы: 14
Просмотры: 15869

Re: 2012 Desktop Alpha 2 first impressions

Pulfer писал(а): I'm really sorry about that. :oops: Kickoff was added to ISO packages list right after beta ISO build started 1 week ago. I was little late. But as now it's in ISO packages list, next time it will be 100% included in ISO.
Never mind. :D
25 окт 2012, 17:39
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: 2012 Desktop Alpha 2 first impressions
Ответы: 14
Просмотры: 15869

Re: 2012 Desktop Alpha 2 first impressions

Pulfer писал(а): In next ISO kickoff menu will be available by default again. It was missing by mistake.
I downloaded Beta 1 32bit, tried in live regime, but kickoff is missing.
23 окт 2012, 21:19
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: 2012 Desktop Alpha 2 first impressions
Ответы: 14
Просмотры: 15869

Re: 2012 Desktop Alpha 2 first impressions

http://mirror.rosalinux.com/rosa/rosa20 ... ktop.Beta/
Are these images official, because there is not any message so far?
21 окт 2012, 19:16
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: 2012 Desktop Alpha 2 first impressions
Ответы: 14
Просмотры: 15869

Re: 2012 Desktop Alpha 2 first impressions

Pulfer писал(а): I suggest to edit /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg file and add "update" line for /release repos. Like:

main\ (Desktop2012.1-1) [your mirror url] {
You were right. :)
Already working. Thanks.
21 окт 2012, 16:52
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: 2012 Desktop Alpha 2 first impressions
Ответы: 14
Просмотры: 15869

Re: 2012 Desktop Alpha 2 first impressions

Pulfer писал(а): Should be quite many already. Few hundreds at least.
So it seems that I have a problem. Because I have added sources but any updates for Alpha 2 so far.
21 окт 2012, 12:28
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: 2012 Desktop Alpha 2 first impressions
Ответы: 14
Просмотры: 15869

Re: 2012 Desktop Alpha 2 first impressions


Код: Выделить всё

urpmi --update --auto-update
I see that some hdlists (main, contrib) has updated.
But there are not any updated packages finally.
Is it correct?
16 окт 2012, 20:08
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: 2012 Desktop Alpha 2 first impressions
Ответы: 14
Просмотры: 15869

Re: 2012 Desktop Alpha 2 first impressions

I know, but I was in live regime without internet.
And it is working without additional steps in ROSA Marathon.
16 окт 2012, 18:49
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: 2012 Desktop Alpha 2 first impressions
Ответы: 14
Просмотры: 15869

2012 Desktop Alpha 2 first impressions

I have problematic graphic card ATI Mobility Radeon X1350 for kernels 3.5.x and higher. It is impossible normal booting with kernels 3.5.x and higher.
But it was enough to add nomodeset at the end of the kernel booting options and booting started without any problem.

I do not prefer RocketBar. So I ...
04 окт 2012, 20:23
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: 2012 Desktop beta is delayed
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 6526

Re: 2012 Desktop beta is delayed

It is good to be informed.
Delay is not problem. :)
03 окт 2012, 20:47
Форум: Marathon (ROSA LTS)
Тема: [SOLVED]Can't reboot after installation
Ответы: 10
Просмотры: 27828

Re: Can't reboot after installation

matfx писал(а):Download the non-free graphic cards driver and everything solved.
I have ATI Mobility Radeon. Can you give here some more details, please? :)
30 сен 2012, 14:51
Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
Тема: bugs in rosa 2012.1 alpha
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 6595

Re: bugs in rosa 2012.1 alpha

I think that this alpha is on quite high level.
Fedora and *ubuntu have problems with kernels 3.5.x and higher. They have problem with older ATI Mobility Radeon graphic cards (I have it one, too).
But ROSA 2012.1 Alha NO. It has kernel 3.5.1 and I can boot without any problem. It is quite strange. :)
15 сен 2012, 16:09
Форум: Marathon (LTS) General Software
Тема: How to get an icon to the desktop or to the panel on it
Ответы: 2
Просмотры: 6450

Re: How to get an icon to the desktop or to the panel on it

Did you try drag&drop with menu item?
15 сен 2012, 00:49
Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
Тема: Important ROSA links
Ответы: 13
Просмотры: 43632

Re: Important ROSA links

ДроноваЮ писал(а): We apologize for the inconvenience, these are service maintenance issues. Please try mirror.rosalinux.com :)
Thanks for quick response. :)
Suggested link is OK.
14 сен 2012, 21:36
Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
Тема: Important ROSA links
Ответы: 13
Просмотры: 43632

Re: Important ROSA links

I would like to download ROSA.2012.MARATHON.RP1 from http://mirror.rosalab.ru/iso/ROSA.Deskt ... RATHON.RP1
But I obtained 404 Not Found.
23 июн 2012, 21:05
Форум: Marathon (ROSA LTS)
Тема: Problematic boot after VMware Player installation
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 5255

Problematic boot after VMware Player installation

I have problem with booting after installation of VMware Player (VMware-Player-4.0.4-744019.i386.bundle).
Booting process paused for about 10 minutes and wait. After this time it continued.

I found problematic step at /var/log/boot.log
Started LSB: NFS support files common to client and server ...
22 июн 2012, 20:01
Форум: Marathon (ROSA LTS)
Тема: Bad signatures during updating
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 4993

Bad signatures during updating

Since yesterday I have obtained during updating software warning message:

Код: Выделить всё

The following packages have bad signatures
This message is following with list of packages with invalid key ID.
20 июн 2012, 08:21
Форум: Marathon (LTS) General Software
Тема: Missing software
Ответы: 22
Просмотры: 22313

Re: Missing software

ferri писал(а): I miss i586 version of poedit. There is only x86_64 version.
I use it for translation KDE environment language files.
Thanks. Already in repo. :D
12 июн 2012, 08:05
Форум: Marathon (LTS) General Software
Тема: Missing software
Ответы: 22
Просмотры: 22313

Re: Missing software

11 июн 2012, 21:41
Форум: Marathon (LTS) General Software
Тема: Missing software
Ответы: 22
Просмотры: 22313

Re: Missing software

ДроноваЮ писал(а):List of packages which are currently rebuilding: https://abf.rosalinux.ru/build_lists
I miss i586 version of poedit. There is only x86_64 version.
I use it for translation KDE environment language files.
11 июн 2012, 14:09
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: Installation DVD label
Ответы: 15
Просмотры: 17710

Re: Installation DVD label

skok писал(а):
ferri писал(а):I would like to give installation dvd of Rosa 2012 Marathon to my friend.
Is there any official dvd label for this release?
Download and burn?
Yes, for printable DVD disc.
10 июн 2012, 18:42
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: Installation DVD label
Ответы: 15
Просмотры: 17710

Installation DVD label

I would like to give installation dvd of Rosa 2012 Marathon to my friend.
Is there any official dvd label for this release?
29 май 2012, 08:15
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: Your questions for ROMP FAQ
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 6750

Re: Your questions for ROMP FAQ

Does ROMP play DVD?
Which another package/packages is needed for playing DVD?

Which another non-free or restricted packages is needed for full functionality ROMP?
26 май 2012, 16:06
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: Greetings to all!
Ответы: 6
Просмотры: 8937

Re: Greetings to all!

At present there are two relative new directions between Mandriva continuers: ROSA and Mageia.

For me ROSA 2012 is more innovative than Mageia 2. :)
ROSA is bringing new applications under its mark.
But Mageia 2 seems to me like Mandriva 2010 with KDE 4.8 and Mageia wallpaper. That's all new on ...
25 май 2012, 20:37
Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
Тема: Important ROSA links
Ответы: 13
Просмотры: 43632

Re: Important ROSA links

17 май 2012, 08:08
Форум: Marathon (LTS) General Software
Тема: Missing software
Ответы: 22
Просмотры: 22313

Re: Missing software

PastorDi писал(а):Or you can use Dolphin TWO panel by press F3.
For file management I prefer keyboard. Old school ;)
So Krusader is quite good compromise between midnight commander and mentioned dolphin (for example).
16 май 2012, 22:58
Форум: Marathon (LTS) General Software
Тема: Missing software
Ответы: 22
Просмотры: 22313

Missing software

This time I missing in repos two-pannels file manager krusader.

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