ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 USB key installation

Сообщения: 43
Зарегистрирован: 15 май 2012, 21:52
Откуда: Slovakia

ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 USB key installation

Сообщение ferri »

I tried to boot ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 from USB key without any success. :(
I used two ways:
- UNetbootin
- direct writing dd-if-of.
I have external DVD drive also. It boots Beta 1 without any problem.

But ROSA 2012 RP1 MARATHON EE boots from USB key without a problem.
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Сообщения: 1381
Зарегистрирован: 12 сен 2011, 13:44

Re: ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 USB key installation

Сообщение akdengi »

ferri писал(а):I tried to boot ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 from USB key without any success. :(
I used two ways:
- UNetbootin
- direct writing dd-if-of.
I have external DVD drive also. It boots Beta 1 without any problem.

But ROSA 2012 RP1 MARATHON EE boots from USB key without a problem.
Please see Errata and try use this ISO: ... ktop.Beta/
Сообщения: 43
Зарегистрирован: 15 май 2012, 21:52
Откуда: Slovakia

Re: ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 USB key installation

Сообщение ferri »

akdengi писал(а): Please see Errata and try use this ISO: ... ktop.Beta/
OK. I will try. First I must download.

And I have another issue. :(
I installed system into VMware Player virtual machine from installation image with date 24. 10. 2012.
But installed system refuses start. Restarting around.
It seems to me that Beta 1 has worse quality than Alpha 2.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 1381
Зарегистрирован: 12 сен 2011, 13:44

Re: ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 USB key installation

Сообщение akdengi »

ferri писал(а):
akdengi писал(а): Please see Errata and try use this ISO: ... ktop.Beta/
OK. I will try. First I must download.

And I have another issue. :(
I installed system into VMware Player virtual machine from installation image with date 24. 10. 2012.
But installed system refuses start. Restarting around.
It seems to me that Beta 1 has worse quality than Alpha 2.
May you put here output for /boot/grub2/grub.cfg from non-working VMware Player? May be some kernel line option break load.
And were is system restarted?
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 1276
Зарегистрирован: 28 июн 2012, 20:39
Operating system: ROSA Linux
Контактная информация:

Re: ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 USB key installation

Сообщение sylvainsjc »


I also tried to install twice today Beta X86_64 behind VMWare Woirkstation 8

The installation process goes well but on reboot, I get a error "no device UUID xxxxxxxxxxxx" and ends with dracut :cry:
Сообщения: 43
Зарегистрирован: 15 май 2012, 21:52
Откуда: Slovakia

Re: ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 USB key installation

Сообщение ferri »

akdengi писал(а): May you put here output for /boot/grub2/grub.cfg from non-working VMware Player? May be some kernel line option break load.
And were is system restarted?
Bad luck. :( I have already fired out iso image and not working virtual machine.
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Сообщения: 1381
Зарегистрирован: 12 сен 2011, 13:44

Re: ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 USB key installation

Сообщение akdengi »

sylvainsjc писал(а):Hello,

I also tried to install twice today Beta X86_64 behind VMWare Woirkstation 8

The installation process goes well but on reboot, I get a error "no device UUID xxxxxxxxxxxx" and ends with dracut :cry:
It's may be same as non-bootable USB-flash. Will try renewed ISO.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 1276
Зарегистрирован: 28 июн 2012, 20:39
Operating system: ROSA Linux
Контактная информация:

Re: ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 USB key installation

Сообщение sylvainsjc »

Another try this evening with ISO X86_64 on my own desktop (running 2012 marathon) and VirtualBox 4.1.22 : It works well

Other tests were made ​​today with the same ISO, but downloaded again and with a PC under Windows Seven 64 and behind VMWare Workstation

Je re-tenterai demain avec l'ISO qui a fonctionné ce soir.
Сообщения: 43
Зарегистрирован: 15 май 2012, 21:52
Откуда: Slovakia

Re: ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 USB key installation

Сообщение ferri »

akdengi писал(а): Please see Errata and try use this ISO: ... ktop.Beta/
This ISO (dated 17. 10. 2012 ) is usable for USB key booting without any problem. :)
Сообщения: 43
Зарегистрирован: 15 май 2012, 21:52
Откуда: Slovakia

Re: ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 USB key installation

Сообщение ferri »

I again installed system into VMware Player virtual machine . This time I used image with date 17. 10. 2012.
System behaves equally like with image from 24. 10. 2012.
After setting hard display resolution for virtual machine, it stopped at this point.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 1381
Зарегистрирован: 12 сен 2011, 13:44

Re: ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 USB key installation

Сообщение akdengi »

Hi. We knew about problem and try investigate it. Thanks for report.
Сообщения: 43
Зарегистрирован: 15 май 2012, 21:52
Откуда: Slovakia

Re: ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 USB key installation

Сообщение ferri »

ferri писал(а):I tried to boot ROSA 2012 Desktop Beta 1 from USB key without any success. :(
RC works without a problem from USB. :)

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