Найдено 17 результатов
- 24 апр 2016, 11:17
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: Linux Rosa Fresh being abandoned?
- Ответы: 2
- Просмотры: 15472
Re: Linux Rosa Fresh being abandoned?
Though the English forums not that active but the development of Rosa Desktop is quite active and i do believe it is not necessary to abandon Rosa desktop just because of forums activity.
- 24 апр 2016, 11:14
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: Flightgear Flight Simulator Program
- Ответы: 0
- Просмотры: 13207
Flightgear Flight Simulator Program
Hi all,
I've been searching through Rosa repository but couldn't find any Flightgear simulator program, it is possible for Rosa developers to include it for future Rosa desktop fresh release?
I've been searching through Rosa repository but couldn't find any Flightgear simulator program, it is possible for Rosa developers to include it for future Rosa desktop fresh release?
- 16 апр 2015, 08:09
- Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
- Тема: Fail to install Windows Program
- Ответы: 1
- Просмотры: 4751
Re: Fail to install Windows Program
After a few attempts, i have figure out how to install the metatrader 4 program successfully. :D
Firstly if you encounter such problem when the metatrader 4 installer started, just press cancel button without the installation. ON the Playonlinux menu go to configure, it will shows up playonlinux ...
Firstly if you encounter such problem when the metatrader 4 installer started, just press cancel button without the installation. ON the Playonlinux menu go to configure, it will shows up playonlinux ...
- 14 апр 2015, 11:02
- Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
- Тема: Fail to install Windows Program
- Ответы: 1
- Просмотры: 4751
Fail to install Windows Program
Hi all,
I'm trying to install a windows program using playonlinux, but doesn't seems to work because each time when the installer started to download the program file from web another pop-up windows show up asking for proxy name, login name and password. I don't understand what it means, it is ...
I'm trying to install a windows program using playonlinux, but doesn't seems to work because each time when the installer started to download the program file from web another pop-up windows show up asking for proxy name, login name and password. I don't understand what it means, it is ...
- 22 мар 2015, 14:08
- Форум: Desktop
- Тема: ROSA Desktop Fresh R5 LXDE
- Ответы: 3
- Просмотры: 7362
Re: ROSA Desktop Fresh R5 LXDE
The Rosa Desktop Fresh r5 gnome already released since 10th of March, have a look here http://mirror.rosalab.ru/rosa/rosa2014.1/iso/ROSA.Fresh.R5/ .
It is only a matter of time for the official announcement to be made by Rosa. :D
Even softpedia have publish it http://news.softpedia.com/news/ROSA ...
It is only a matter of time for the official announcement to be made by Rosa. :D
Even softpedia have publish it http://news.softpedia.com/news/ROSA ...
- 20 мар 2015, 17:15
- Форум: Desktop
- Тема: Mtp protocol Android 4.4 (Solved)
- Ответы: 3
- Просмотры: 16937
Re: Mtp protocol Android 4.4
There is no problem if you installed gmtp. I attached my android phone device ( running android 4.4.4) using usb cable and Rosa Desktop recognize it, i can open my phone content with dolphin.
- 05 мар 2015, 02:07
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: Rosa Desktop Fresh Gnome Edition
- Ответы: 2
- Просмотры: 16201
Re: Rosa Desktop Fresh Gnome Edition
Great, thanks for reply. I'll try this RC version.
- 04 мар 2015, 17:38
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: Rosa Desktop Fresh Gnome Edition
- Ответы: 2
- Просмотры: 16201
Rosa Desktop Fresh Gnome Edition
I;m just wondering it is Gnome edition wasn't develop anymore from Rosa? The last one dated back 2 years ago which is Rosa Desktop Fresh 2012 Gnome.
Rosa has made a beautiful gnome desktop and i'm curious why it wasn't release anymore.
I;m just wondering it is Gnome edition wasn't develop anymore from Rosa? The last one dated back 2 years ago which is Rosa Desktop Fresh 2012 Gnome.
Rosa has made a beautiful gnome desktop and i'm curious why it wasn't release anymore.
- 01 янв 2014, 11:04
- Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
- Тема: Wine version on Rosa Desktop Fresh R2
- Ответы: 0
- Просмотры: 3691
Wine version on Rosa Desktop Fresh R2
I have check the wine version available on Rosa Desktop Fresh R2, which is version 1.5.28. Will it be updated to wine 1.6.1 stable version in near future?
- 01 янв 2014, 11:00
- Форум: Desktop
- Тема: Rosa 2012 and ATI
- Ответы: 5
- Просмотры: 10840
Re: Rosa 2012 and ATI
I have AMD Radeon HD 4350 but no proprietary driver support. Too bad because need it to play games on steam.
- 28 дек 2013, 03:35
- Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
- Тема: How to install Skype on ROSA Desktop Fresh R2
- Ответы: 8
- Просмотры: 10589
Re: How to install Skype on ROSA Desktop Fresh R2
Yeah you need to enable 32 bit repo if you are running Rosa Desktop Fresh R2 64 bit. I have just finished installed Skype without any problem using software manager (Rpmdrake).
- 03 окт 2012, 18:30
- Форум: Marathon (ROSA LTS)
- Тема: [SOLVED]Can't reboot after installation
- Ответы: 10
- Просмотры: 27817
Re: Can't reboot after installation
Thank you for the info. Now i can boot into Rosa desktop. Download the non-free graphic cards driver and everything solved.
- 03 окт 2012, 11:45
- Форум: Marathon (ROSA LTS)
- Тема: [SOLVED]Can't reboot after installation
- Ответы: 10
- Просмотры: 27817
Re: Can't reboot after installation
Sorry to ask, but how to insert nomodeset?
- 30 сен 2012, 15:12
- Форум: Marathon (ROSA LTS)
- Тема: [SOLVED]Can't reboot after installation
- Ответы: 10
- Просмотры: 27817
Re: Can't reboot after installation
Hi PastorDi,
Thanks for the comment. I also have the same thought that it is my ATI graphic card can't be recognize by Rosa Lnux.
Thanks for the comment. I also have the same thought that it is my ATI graphic card can't be recognize by Rosa Lnux.
- 29 сен 2012, 08:34
- Форум: Marathon (ROSA LTS)
- Тема: [SOLVED]Can't reboot after installation
- Ответы: 10
- Просмотры: 27817
Re: Can't reboot after installation
After installed, i make the reboot. Upon reboot, i can see the Rosa marathon grub (i install the Rosa grub on mbr). Then it shows the Rosa grey boot screen, after a few seconds then went to black screen. Tried to reinstall again but still facing the same problem.
- 27 сен 2012, 17:32
- Форум: Marathon (ROSA LTS)
- Тема: [SOLVED]Can't reboot after installation
- Ответы: 10
- Просмотры: 27817
Re: Can't reboot after installation
Forgot to mention i am dual boot Rosa Marathon 2012 with windows 7.
- 27 сен 2012, 17:19
- Форум: Marathon (ROSA LTS)
- Тема: [SOLVED]Can't reboot after installation
- Ответы: 10
- Просмотры: 27817
[SOLVED]Can't reboot after installation
I have successful installed Rosa Marathon 2012 EE but the problem is after reboot it can boot into Rosa desktop, all i have is black screen.
What should i do?
What should i do?