ROSA Desktop Fresh R5 LXDE

Сообщения: 17
Зарегистрирован: 15 окт 2012, 10:54
Operating system: Zorin OS, Windows XP

ROSA Desktop Fresh R5 LXDE

Сообщение Laskaris »

So directly to question :) Why is just ROSA fresh R5 KDE officially anounced and not LXDE version? if you have a look here: ... .Fresh.R5/

you'll see Desktop Fresh R5 LXDE version both in 32-bit and 64bit. Is LXDE R5 not ready to be published or what?

P.S. I use ROSA few years already. Great distribution! Thank you for all your efforts developers. Keep up the good work!

P.P.S: ISOs of ROSA Desktop Fresh R5 LXDE can be found on Softpedia, too. ... 0229.shtml

But no official announcement?
Сообщения: 505
Зарегистрирован: 23 ноя 2011, 21:27

Re: ROSA Desktop Fresh R5 LXDE

Сообщение d_uragan »

Yes, we have missed the official announcement. The release was mainly prepared by means of community so we had announcement in Russian but not in English.

The LXDE R5 images don't have any serious problems and can e safely used. Moreover, we highly recommend to use them instead of LXDE R4. Though there were no changes in LXDE itself, R5 images contain newer versions of software and should better fit new hardware (especially with UEFI and Secure Boot) where old images could fail.

It is a little bit late for the announcement, but we are going to publish a note in ROSA Planet blog ( with description of LXDE R5 release.
Сообщения: 85
Зарегистрирован: 03 дек 2014, 16:00
Operating system: ROSA

Re: ROSA Desktop Fresh R5 LXDE

Сообщение ShalokShalom »

I am not sure, if this announement is meant as ready, the download link directs to an empty templete page, while there is already a working one: ... sh_R5_LXDE

And it seems, as one image isnt displayed (at least here on chromium): "640px" is all what i can see, down of the line:
"(like it often happens with KDE which can be made to look similar to old-style Windows, but this definitely requires some efforts)"

I guess the english version of the GNOME 3 announcement is also on the way ? :)
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Сообщения: 17
Зарегистрирован: 26 сен 2012, 16:07
Operating system: Rosa Desktop Fresh 2012 R2
Откуда: malaysia

Re: ROSA Desktop Fresh R5 LXDE

Сообщение matfx »

The Rosa Desktop Fresh r5 gnome already released since 10th of March, have a look here ... .Fresh.R5/.

It is only a matter of time for the official announcement to be made by Rosa. :D

Even softpedia have publish it ... 5965.shtml with the title Rosa Desktop Fresh R5 Gnome "Silently Released".
Pentium Dual Core E5400 4GB Ram Asus R7 240 2GB DDR3 Rosa Desktop Fresh R7 64bit

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