[SOLVED]Can't reboot after installation
[SOLVED]Can't reboot after installation
I have successful installed Rosa Marathon 2012 EE but the problem is after reboot it can boot into Rosa desktop, all i have is black screen.
What should i do?
What should i do?
Pentium Dual Core E5400 4GB Ram Asus R7 240 2GB DDR3 Rosa Desktop Fresh R7 64bit
Re: Can't reboot after installation
Forgot to mention i am dual boot Rosa Marathon 2012 with windows 7.
Pentium Dual Core E5400 4GB Ram Asus R7 240 2GB DDR3 Rosa Desktop Fresh R7 64bit
Re: Can't reboot after installation
Yes that's very important detail. Did you see the GRUB menu at all?matfx писал(а):windows 7.
If not, you should insert Windows7 installation media and restore the loader, at least.
Re: Can't reboot after installation
After installed, i make the reboot. Upon reboot, i can see the Rosa marathon grub (i install the Rosa grub on mbr). Then it shows the Rosa grey boot screen, after a few seconds then went to black screen. Tried to reinstall again but still facing the same problem.
Pentium Dual Core E5400 4GB Ram Asus R7 240 2GB DDR3 Rosa Desktop Fresh R7 64bit
Re: Can't reboot after installation
Most likely a problem with the video card. When you see the grey screen Grub try select "....(safe mode)" and run the system in this mode.
Re: Can't reboot after installation
Hi PastorDi,
Thanks for the comment. I also have the same thought that it is my ATI graphic card can't be recognize by Rosa Lnux.
Thanks for the comment. I also have the same thought that it is my ATI graphic card can't be recognize by Rosa Lnux.
Pentium Dual Core E5400 4GB Ram Asus R7 240 2GB DDR3 Rosa Desktop Fresh R7 64bit
Re: Can't reboot after installation
try adding nomodeset to your grub boot string.
If system boots ok, then you can try using fglrx proprietary driver from rosa non-free repo. Install it and then choose with XFdrake.
If system boots ok, then you can try using fglrx proprietary driver from rosa non-free repo. Install it and then choose with XFdrake.
Re: Can't reboot after installation
Sorry to ask, but how to insert nomodeset?
Pentium Dual Core E5400 4GB Ram Asus R7 240 2GB DDR3 Rosa Desktop Fresh R7 64bit
Re: Can't reboot after installation
After booting in GRUB menu press F3 and append nomodeset (at the end of the string)
Then hit EnterRe: Can't reboot after installation
Thank you for the info. Now i can boot into Rosa desktop. Download the non-free graphic cards driver and everything solved.
Pentium Dual Core E5400 4GB Ram Asus R7 240 2GB DDR3 Rosa Desktop Fresh R7 64bit
Re: Can't reboot after installation
I have ATI Mobility Radeon. Can you give here some more details, please?matfx писал(а):Download the non-free graphic cards driver and everything solved.