Read only file in ROSA R11 lxqt x86

Сообщения: 7
Зарегистрирован: 15 май 2017, 18:57
Operating system: Windows 7 SP1 32 bit

Read only file in ROSA R11 lxqt x86

Сообщение tantrik »

Dear friends,

I installed rosa r11 lxqt x86 yesterday. The problem is that the text (.txt) files and word (.docx) files cannot be edited with juffed or geany and libreoffice writer respectively. A message appears stating, 'read only file... not sufficient rights". I never faced such a problem in rosa plasma or rosa xfce. I cannot save any edited text or word files. How do I overcome this problem?

Thanks in advance.
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Сообщения: 6
Зарегистрирован: 29 апр 2020, 20:20
Operating system: ROSA Desktop Fresh R11.1 EE 2016.1 Desktop (XFCE)
Контактная информация:

Read only file in ROSA R11 lxqt x86

Сообщение Barreto »

When this happens to me, i just open the therminal -> sudo thunar.
Them find your file, and right click it, properties. Check the tab permissions, and change all options to "read and write".

My apologies for my english. Hope you understand.

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