BIOS seeing 32GB RAM, Linux/Windows showing 16GB usable 16GB hardware reserved.

Сообщения: 9
Зарегистрирован: 02 апр 2018, 06:13
Operating system: windows 8

BIOS seeing 32GB RAM, Linux/Windows showing 16GB usable 16GB hardware reserved.

Сообщение Benjamin »


Just upgraded my Haswell i5 to a Broadwell i7 5775C. While I was at it, I grabbed another 16GB ram to go up to 32GB. The ram is from the same mfgr, but different speeds. Kingston HyperX 1600 and 1866. Am I only seeing 16GB available due to the mismatch in speed? Generally in the past, mismatched pairs have always just run at the slower speed. Both pairs work fine when installed separate.

Any help will be apprecited.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

References: ... &t=1299957

Thank you.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 396
Зарегистрирован: 14 окт 2014, 18:56
Operating system: ROSA Linux

BIOS seeing 32GB RAM, Linux/Windows showing 16GB usable 16GB hardware reserved.

Сообщение aponomarenko »

The max RAM memory limit depends also on your motherboard and BIOS version. It may be lower than max RAM supported by the CPU.

Please let us look at your hardware configuration by following instructions at viewtopic.php?f=30&t=5700.

Thank you.
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