Screen energy switch off is not working

Сообщения: 5
Зарегистрирован: 21 авг 2022, 22:26
Operating system: Dual boot: Windows 11 - Rosa Fresh 2021.1

Screen energy switch off is not working

Сообщение fotisv »

Made a new installation R12 2021.1, and in general its working great! Although I have some issues. One is about energy saver. The screen switch off is not working, if the pc is not in sleep mode the screen stays on and bright. Its not just Rosa, similar effect is happening in other distributions. Any guidance to figure out why? and if possible have a fix?
After some search I saw a reference to this as a kernel bug with the title "Monitors immediately come out of energy saving mode", which I could say is more specific of whats going on. Screen goes off and in a matter of seconds its on again.
This bug is known for years now... Seems that Linux cannot handle my hardware. :(
I am using an AMD Ryzen 5 3400G with Radeon Vega 11 Graphics
AMD Ryzen 5 3400G
Radeon Vega Graphics
Сообщения: 907
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2015, 08:06
Operating system: RF.KDE5.2023.1.x86_64

Screen energy switch off is not working

Сообщение va9(2) »

Have you tried a newer kernel (>=5.15)?
$ - команда должна быть выполнена от имени непривилегированного пользователя,
# - команда должна быть выполнена от имени суперпользователя.
Сообщения: 5
Зарегистрирован: 21 авг 2022, 22:26
Operating system: Dual boot: Windows 11 - Rosa Fresh 2021.1

Screen energy switch off is not working

Сообщение fotisv »

Yes, in ubuntu. It was a little better, but the overal "behavior" its not good. Some things are not visible straight away like screen small "glitches-flashes". After some digging I found out that is the reason my eyes got tiered, It might also be the rendering mechanism. Perhaps in the near future things will change for better
AMD Ryzen 5 3400G
Radeon Vega Graphics

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