Rosauser for German speakers

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Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение josy1982 »


i am from Germany and i am using Rosa as my primary OS. I want to create an own German Rosauser Website focused for Desktop users with it's own Wiki and Forum and also the latest news about Rosa Desktop but i need a little bit assistance from rosa.
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Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение ДроноваЮ »

What kind of assistance?
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Зарегистрирован: 05 май 2012, 02:39

Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение josy1982 »


first at all i will need rights to use the Rosa Logo because i will integrate it into the website. The second thing is should i register a complete new website or would be better to usa a subdomain from so here i am not sure what is better should it be official or unofficial website.
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Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение ДроноваЮ »

Well, we discussed the subject. You'll have no restrictions in logo using and it's up to you which domain to use. The important thing is the promotion of ROSA and contribution to the community from German friends :)
Some thoughts from my part, as a community manager, if you don't mind: would be very nice if the site had the news from our official blog translated to German.
Regarding the forum: since we started to create forums for non-English speakers here, it seems logical to me to create ROSA-Deutsch here, next to French and Italian forums. If it's ok with you, then you'll be the moderator of that forum and I'm at your disposal as the admin. If not -- ok then, I'll create one and make the redirection. But I REALLY would like to have it here :roll:
So, have your time to think it over. :)
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Зарегистрирован: 05 май 2012, 02:39

Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение josy1982 »


So i think i will start the project soon as possible. However i will start with german support forum so it's by you to decide. Can you send me the rosa logo to my email adress or somebody else. For me is no problem to create all the stuff but one thing i am not good is graphics eg. to create the logo for the website. I hope i will find some people who wants to help. And also if it's done to see a link or something else on or a notification in forum.
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Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение rugyada »

josy1982 писал(а):Can you send me the rosa logo
ROSA Logo:
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Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение ДроноваЮ »

josy1982 писал(а):However i will start with german support forum so it's by you to decide.
Ok, first of all I'm creating the forum, here it is:
josy1982 писал(а):And also if it's done to see a link or something else on or a notification in forum.
So your decision is to use, right? Plwease confirm, so that I could start contacting our admins etc :)
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Зарегистрирован: 05 май 2012, 02:39

Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение josy1982 »


no not it should be I do it today i think tomorrow i will start with the work. So however i will give it a try ... but i need lot time to do all stuff.

layout, forum, chat and download all done registration possible in work wiki and news section
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Зарегистрирован: 05 май 2012, 02:39

Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение josy1982 »

ДроноваЮ feedback please.
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Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение ДроноваЮ »

Ok, I made a redirection to your forum. What we should do to make people know about this German community site?
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Зарегистрирован: 05 май 2012, 02:39

Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение josy1982 »


this is a good question possibly an info on or something (push it on the lists, blogs eg. whatever)if you have any idea let me know. I register the website in the most search engine for now.
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Зарегистрирован: 05 май 2012, 02:39

Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение josy1982 »


so do whatever is possible.
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Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение ДроноваЮ »

josy1982 писал(а):Hallo,

so do whatever is possible.
Yes, we made a announce on FaceBook and also on G+, hope will announce it on the official blog also.
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Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение ДроноваЮ »

Regarding all these links to the remote forum, I think we must do this:
the only right model for handling the multi-forum situation seems to be the one we are using for Italian forums (i.e. one standalone forum here PLUS the link to the native site/forum). So we should add one standalone German forum here, i.e. not simple redirect, but fully functional forum PLUS link to your main forum which is the primary forum for the young German community. The main advantage of our official forums here -- is that ROSA developers are present here and communicate with the ROSA users. Every community should have this opportunity. And from your part you should make the link from your forum to our ROSA official German forum with the notice that here are developers answering users' questions.
The ROSA official blog announce about German ROSA site will appear most probably tomorrow (both Russain&English).
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Зарегистрирован: 05 май 2012, 02:39

Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение josy1982 »


ok i will put an information with a link to the forum.
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Зарегистрирован: 05 май 2012, 02:39

Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение josy1982 »

all done?
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Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение ДроноваЮ »

Almost done :) The last touch -- we need a description of our German forum, in German (see the descriptions for Italian&Francophone forums on main page). So please translate this phrase for me:
"We welcome all German-speaking ROSA users to join, share and communicate. Please note that here you may communicate directly with ROSA developers, they are gald to help and to answer some of your questions."
After that, when everything will be ready -- we'll put the announce on the blogs :)
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Зарегистрирован: 05 май 2012, 02:39

Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение josy1982 »


ok it will looks like that:
Wir begrüßen alle deutsch-sprachigen Rosa Benutzer um beizutreten, teilzuhaben und zu kommunizieren. Beachte das du hier direkt mit den Entwicklern kommunizierst. Diese freuen sich zu helfen und einige deiner Fragen zu beantworten.
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Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение ДроноваЮ »

Oh, sorry, I forgot this one also: "please visit our frindly Greman forum on ROSA German community site." There will be the link to your forum. I'm very sorry :fool:
Сообщения: 35
Зарегистрирован: 05 май 2012, 02:39

Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение josy1982 »


ok then here is it :
Wir begrüßen alle deutsch-sprachigen Rosa Benutzer um beizutreten, teilzuhaben und zu kommunizieren. Beachte das du hier direkt mit den Entwicklern kommunizierst. Diese freuen sich zu helfen und einige deiner Fragen zu beantworten.Bitte besuche ausserdem unsere freundliche Deutsche Community Seite
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Зарегистрирован: 05 май 2012, 02:39

Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение josy1982 »


seems all done you put the info in german forum section ok. I have a question when will be the info on blog for the german community site?
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Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение ДроноваЮ »

I got a terrible flu these days (stick to the bed like an idiot, you know ), so please have patience. Secondly -- please do not expect that after this blog announce we'll instantly get over 9000 German-speaking users on the forums and the site. This is a long road to go, and users will never unite around an empty resource. So it seems to me that you should start filling out the German wiki content. Translating from English must be easy but you may try to find somebody who knows bit of Russian also (somebody from ex-East Germany may be, you'd know better). (I don't see the wiki, btw, it was there before. You decided not to have it..?) So stability and step by step progression are our best friends at this moment.
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Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение rugyada »

ДроноваЮ писал(а): (I don't see the wiki, btw, it was there before. You decided not to have it..?)
Why not join ROSA wiki and collaborate by translating in German language the official contents? :wink:
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Зарегистрирован: 05 май 2012, 02:39

Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение josy1982 »


yes it's true the wiki is currently off because of some problems. I put two section on the forum for guides and installation it's easier for now because to manage a complete wiki alone the wiki will start eventually nex time. For now we have some new members but it will takes time that is normal. But i am very happy at all with this community site.
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Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение ДроноваЮ »

josy1982 писал(а): yes it's true the wiki is currently off because of some problems. I put two section on the forum for guides and installation it's easier for now because to manage a complete wiki alone
That's why it could be much more easier for you to join our wikimedia engine and care only about the content, while our admin does the server/maintaining part. Please think it over.
josy1982 писал(а):But i am very happy at all with this community site.
me too :)
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Зарегистрирован: 05 май 2012, 02:39

Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение josy1982 »


yes really i am so happy but however it would be nice to see on blog/facebook of rosa.
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Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение ДроноваЮ »

On the other side -- not everything is ready yet... We'd better announce something which is in a good shape, why to hurry..? :wink:
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Зарегистрирован: 05 май 2012, 02:39

Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение josy1982 »


yes that's right but just to announce that people know that exist not more not less.
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Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение rugyada »

The link from this official forum is already a very good "advertising" way, so that German friends googling for German ROSA forum can easily find yours.
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Зарегистрирован: 05 май 2012, 02:39

Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение josy1982 »


no matter if not is also ok.
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Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение ДроноваЮ »

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Зарегистрирован: 05 май 2012, 02:39

Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение josy1982 »

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Зарегистрирован: 05 май 2012, 12:05
Откуда: Italy
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Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение rugyada »

josy1982 писал(а):wich style ist better?
At a first quick look

Style 1: + clear
font is bigger (?)

Style 2: + modern

imho both have pros, no cons :)
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Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение ДроноваЮ »

I like the first better, only that the white background is not very healthy for the eyes :no:
Сообщения: 35
Зарегистрирован: 05 май 2012, 02:39

Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение josy1982 »

Shoud we host the iso files too? But only the iso files the complete repo is not possible because we have limited space. And i want to know if the lxde and gnome edition are also LTS Releases.
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Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение ДроноваЮ »

josy1982 писал(а):Shoud we host the iso files too? But only the iso files the complete repo is not possible because we have limited space. And i want to know if the lxde and gnome edition are also LTS Releases.
It would be wonderfull if you had a mirror, even for isos only.
Yes LXDE&Gnome2 are based on LTS packages base, see HERE.
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Зарегистрирован: 05 май 2012, 02:39

Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение josy1982 »


i will try to setup a mirror for the iso files. One thing i have to say there is more work needed to promote rosa in other countries as russia. The listing on Distrowatch is one thing but this is not enough. I think about abassadors for each region. The German Part would i do but at this time is not possible it will need more people to contribute however this is just an idea. But finaly there is a lot work of promotion however.
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Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение ДроноваЮ »

Sure. The French camarades are quite active, too :) we may discuss it in a new topic, since we have strict 'German' word here.
Сообщения: 35
Зарегистрирован: 05 май 2012, 02:39

Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение josy1982 »

I'm not satisfied with the layout of i don't like both. I will try to do a custom or something else.
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Зарегистрирован: 14 май 2014, 14:43
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Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение quarkroschd »

Hello, can you reopen for a german localized forum?
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Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение ДроноваЮ »

quarkroschd писал(а):Hello, can you reopen for a german localized forum?
You're welcome :)
Сообщения: 2
Зарегистрирован: 14 май 2014, 14:43
Operating system: ROSA Linux

Re: Rosauser for German speakers

Сообщение quarkroschd »

thank you.

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