Recovery R10 after amdgpu install

Сообщения: 5
Зарегистрирован: 04 апр 2017, 13:06
Operating system: Linux

Recovery R10 after amdgpu install

Сообщение mulch »

Rosa Desktop Fresh R10

Hi all. My new install of R10 is hosed. After installation I tried to upgrade my Graphics Driver using this page

Specifically I ran urpmi amdgpu-pro dkms-amdgpu-pro

This broke my system and I can no longer boot. I could not find any rescue at the boot prompt (installation CD). Do you know of one?
Using Ctl_Alt_F2 did not work for me.
I decided to use the installation disk and boot into the install desktop. From here I can mount my R10 partitions and chroot into R10.
Any ideas on how to proceed? I would like to recover this if I can. I am not sure if XFdrake will run in a chroot.
Сообщения: 5
Зарегистрирован: 04 апр 2017, 13:06
Operating system: Linux

Recovery R10 after amdgpu install

Сообщение mulch »

Ok, much has happened since this post. I reinstalled the R10 system and regained use of this PC.
In addition I discovered that we can use the Edit key (e) at the grub boot menu to add the number 3 to the end of the "vmlinuz" command - then hit F10 to get to a text console and log in. More importantly I have installed snapper now and plan to use snapshots of this system as a back up. I just wish we could view the snapper boot choices in the grub boot menu. But one thing at a time. Naturally the btrfs (file system) is necessary for snapper to work.
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Сообщения: 396
Зарегистрирован: 14 окт 2014, 18:56
Operating system: ROSA Linux

Recovery R10 after amdgpu install

Сообщение aponomarenko »

Is your card supported by amdgpu-pro? Have you checked it in ... Notes.aspx?

Please let us know your configuration by creating a hardware probe: viewtopic.php?f=30&t=5700

Thank you.
Проверить работоспособность компьютера и найти драйвера / Check operability of hardware and find drivers:

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hw-probe -all -upload

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