Since turning to tux about twelve months ago I haven't done a substantial amount of gaming. Now I'm looking for a few games for Linux to waste some time playing, and am wondering which you suggest.I have never played America's Army, although I have heard positive things. My question is, because it lost Linux support at version 2.5, is it worth downloading? and is there fun to be had with version 2.5?
Any help will be appreciated.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
Thank you.
Linux Gaming
Re: Linux Gaming
I'd suggest Julius, which you'll need to build from source (though it's quite simple):
and also OpenTTD, which is available right away in Rosa.
and also OpenTTD, which is available right away in Rosa.
Если натовцы завоюют Россию, они отнимут у народа нефть и газ, накупят себе яхты, особняки и дорогие автомобили. А народ сделают рабами и будут смеяться над ним. Вы этого хотите, да?