Can't login to linux server with AD credentials

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Зарегистрирован: 02 апр 2018, 06:13
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Can't login to linux server with AD credentials

Сообщение Benjamin »


I've successfully joined the system to my AD domain. wbinfo works, getent works, but trying to login to the server via ssh with my AD account(or even to see a samba share) fails.I've configured krb5.conf, smb.conf, nsswitch.conf identically to another linux server I joined to our domain a few months ago that works fine. But no luck.The error I'm getting in /var/log/secure is "pam_krb5[18545]: error resolving user name 'username' to uid/gid pair.It looks like pam is failing to correctly look up the account name via kerberos in AD.Ideas?

Any help will be apprecited.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

References: ... 16&t=46244

Thank you.

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