Rosa bar launcher missing

Сообщения: 15
Зарегистрирован: 07 фев 2015, 01:23
Operating system: ROSA R5, Netrunner 14

Rosa bar launcher missing

Сообщение qap »

Yesterday after some updates I restarted my Rosa and Rosa Launcher bar is missing now.
After login I see only black screen and there is no desktop. I am able to launch programs with alt+F1 and see the applications, but I am missing down the bar with the activity and the other widgets I have.
Right click on the black screen does not allow me to add or remove widgets.
How do I solve this problem?

Thanks in advance for any help!
Сообщения: 15
Зарегистрирован: 07 фев 2015, 01:23
Operating system: ROSA R5, Netrunner 14

Re: Rosa bar launcher missing

Сообщение qap »

You can close this post.
I added new user, logged out, logged in with the new user and everything was ok. The logged out and in again with my old user and kde4 rosa bar launcher was reset to its defaults.

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