Elantech in-bild touchpad stop working properly

Сообщения: 77
Зарегистрирован: 11 июн 2013, 11:59
Operating system: Rosa desktop.Fresh r10 KDE, Plasma, x64

Elantech in-bild touchpad stop working properly

Сообщение Dharman »

ETPS-2 Elantech touchpad in-bild in my Asus X93S (with ROSA KDE 9, x64, 2016.1) stop working properly. Is working like mouse, but is no reaction for clicking (coursor change position but not react on clicking)... So I have use left bar to clicking only...

To configure there is info that synaptics is does not installed or not working (not using)... but it is instaled x11 driver for synaptics... All configuation is unavaliable... It seems that system do not recognize that it is in-build touchpad not mouse, and take it as common mouse... Because travelling a lot, I use mostly only touchpad...

It occured after common actualization 2 days ago...


I make urpme x11-driver-input-synaptics (with x11-driver-input) and next make urpmi with hope to solve problem... and this driver

"cannot be instaled because it dependens on packages older than installed ones"

SO, problem is with dependencies to

x11-driver-input 2.0..
x11-driver-input-synaptics 1.9.0...

Have You any advice?
Сообщения: 1111
Зарегистрирован: 21 дек 2012, 15:24
Operating system: Linux в разных вариантах

Re: Elantech in-bild touchpad stop working properly

Сообщение euspectre »

x11-driver-input is a "meta package" that pulls in the commonly used X11 input drivers. You can safely remove it, if you need to uninstall or reinstall some of these drivers.

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