R8.1 64 bits CPU high temperature

Сообщения: 13
Зарегистрирован: 22 окт 2015, 10:48
Operating system: Rosa Desktop Fresh R10 64 bits Plasma5
Откуда: Bogotá D.C. - Colombia - Sur América

R8.1 64 bits CPU high temperature

Сообщение mauricio »


Install R8.1 64-bit KDE 4, when using web browsers (Firefox, Chromium), CPU temperature increases to 95.9C °.
Any suggestions?

- Before:
Mauricio @ PortatilMau ~ $ sensors
Adapter: Virtual device
Temp1: + 67.0 ° C (crit = + 105.0 ° C)

Adapter: PCI adapter
Temp1: + 73.0 ° C (high = + 70.0 ° C)
                        (Crit = + 115.5 ° C, hyst = + 110.5 ° C)
- During:
Mauricio @ PortatilMau ~ $ sensors
Adapter: Virtual device
Temp1: + 87.0 ° C (crit = + 105.0 ° C)

Adapter: PCI adapter
Temp1: + 95.9 ° C (high = + 70.0 ° C)
                        (Crit = + 115.5 ° C, hyst = + 110.5 ° C)

Notebook: Compaq-Presario-CQ45-118LA-Notebook-PC; Processor: AMD Turion X2 Dual-Core Mobile RM-70; Graphics: AMD ATI RS780M [Mobility Radeon HD 3200]; RAM: 3GB.

Thank you.

From Bogotá D.C. - Colombia, 2600 meters closer to the stars.
Сообщения: 5543
Зарегистрирован: 15 сен 2011, 01:58

Re: R8.1 64 bits CPU high temperature

Сообщение keleg »

try downgrade kernel to 4.1.38
Сообщения: 13
Зарегистрирован: 22 окт 2015, 10:48
Operating system: Rosa Desktop Fresh R10 64 bits Plasma5
Откуда: Bogotá D.C. - Colombia - Sur América

Re: R8.1 64 bits CPU high temperature

Сообщение mauricio »

Thanks for the help, keleg.

I have installed and tested the following kernel:
The first two default on the "R8":
- kernel-nrj-desktop-4.9.9-1rosa-x86_64 - A general-purpose Linux Kernel
- kernel-nrj-desktop-4.9.14-2rosa-x86_64 - A general-purpose Linux Kernel
I installed "Laptop" version:
- kernel-nrj-laptop-4.9.14-2rosa-x86_64 - Linux Kernel for laptops
I installed previous version:
- kernel-nrj-laptop-4.1.38-2rosa-x86_64 - Linux Kernel for laptops
Finally, I installed version:
- kernel-nrj-laptop-3.14.15-1rosa - Linux Kernel for laptop use with x86_64

I have found the same thing. I will try the suggested kernel for longer (kernel-nrj-laptop-4.1.38-2rosa-x86_64 - Linux Kernel for laptops).

Thank you!

I'm writing this with the suggested kernel (kernel-nrj-laptop-4.1.38-2rosa-x86_64 - Linux Kernel for laptops). This is the temperature, without running video, in the same browser (I've uninstalled the Flash Player):

Mauricio @ PortatilMau ~ $ sensors
Adapter: Virtual device
Temp1: + 85.0 ° C (crit = + 105.0 ° C)

Adapter: PCI adapter
Temp1: + 88.0 ° C (high = + 70.0 ° C)
(Crit = + 115.5 ° C, hyst = + 110.5 ° C)
Mauricio @ PortatilMau ~ $ sensors
Adapter: Virtual device
Temp1: + 82.0 ° C (crit = + 105.0 ° C)

Adapter: PCI adapter
Temp1: + 91.5 ° C (high = + 70.0 ° C)
(Crit = + 115.5 ° C, hyst = + 110.5 ° C)

Running video, in the same browser, the temperature is:
Mauricio @ PortatilMau ~ $ sensors
Adapter: Virtual device
Temp1: + 95.0 ° C (crit = + 105.0 ° C)

Adapter: PCI adapter
Temp1: + 96.4 ° C (high = + 70.0 ° C)
(Crit = + 115.5 ° C, hyst = + 110.5 ° C)

Mauricio @ PortatilMau ~ $ sensors
Adapter: Virtual device
Temp1: + 90.0 ° C (crit = + 105.0 ° C)

Adapter: PCI adapter
Temp1: + 95.9 ° C (high = + 70.0 ° C)
(Crit = + 115.5 ° C, hyst = + 110.5 ° C)

Follow the high temperature!
Only with web browsers
Сообщения: 10
Зарегистрирован: 08 июл 2016, 06:56
Operating system: Rosa Fresh R7
Откуда: Romania

Re: R8.1 64 bits CPU high temperature

Сообщение rich1974 »

open the ksysguard and watch what is taking cpu percentage. how the cpu stays on idle....it should stay to 0-1-2%.

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