Request about Rosalauncher

Non-Desktop related topics
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Сообщения: 1276
Зарегистрирован: 28 июн 2012, 20:39
Operating system: ROSA Linux
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Request about Rosalauncher

Сообщение sylvainsjc »


Do you plan to make "Rosalauncher" a little more functional?

- The section "recent applications" does not take into account if I use the last application memorized. Using the latest memorized application should move her at the first place of the section "Recent applcations"
- Lacks of a "Favorites" section
- Lacks the possibility of settings like ability to change the position of tabs "Welcome - Applications - Timeframe" when menu bar is positioned at the top or left
- When I launch an application by typing its name in the search bar, she's never stored in the recent applications section
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Сообщения: 2636
Зарегистрирован: 01 июн 2011, 13:11
Operating system: Ubuntu/ROSA
Откуда: Москва

Re: Request about Rosalauncher

Сообщение ДроноваЮ »

Hi sylvainsjc,
our UXTeam leader had just returned from the vacation, so I think it will take some few days to appear for any activity on the bug and to me to post any additional message from him here in the topic, if there will be one. :)

UPD -- it's ok already :)
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 1276
Зарегистрирован: 28 июн 2012, 20:39
Operating system: ROSA Linux
Контактная информация:

Re: Request about Rosalauncher

Сообщение sylvainsjc »

Сообщения: 8
Зарегистрирован: 28 авг 2012, 21:53
Operating system: Now fully Linux. (Kubuntu), Linux Mint (KDE) Koraraa 17 (Fedora KDE based) and... when I can get grub to work.. soon to be a 32bit and 64bit (and very happy) Rosa user

Re: Request about Rosalauncher

Сообщение netean »

If I may add something as well about Configurability of Rosa Launcher please?

I do like rosa launcher and I try to use it, but find myself going back to Lancelot because it takes quite a bit longer to get to where I want in Rosa Launcher.

If I could configure it so that it would start and show "Applications" first instead of Recent items, and if I could arrange the Application headings to that I could choose what groups came nearest the top. It would be great. Maybe this already is possible and I just don't know how to it.. if that's the case, may I then suggestion adding a link somehwere on the launcher so that it could be found more easily.

Right now, I have two launch buttons on every distro (I have 2 Rosa builds and Fedora & Mageia) I have Lancelot and Rosa Launcher sitting side by side on each machine, with a way to configure Rosa I could get rid of Lancelot completely (Lancelot is great though, but I'd prefer to use Rosa)

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