Missing rtl8723be module

Сообщения: 51
Зарегистрирован: 14 мар 2013, 13:12
Operating system: Rosa Fresh 2012.1 64bit

Missing rtl8723be module

Сообщение Mayavimmer »

The current release seems to be missing the rtl8723be module necessary for wireless (it only has rtl8723ae):

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# cat /etc/rosa-release 
ROSA Desktop Fresh R5 release 2014.1 for x86_64

# uname -a
Linux XX.XX 3.14.25-nrj-desktop-1rosa #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Nov 24 11:14:10 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

# find /usr/src/linux-3.14.25-nrj-desktop-1rosa/ -iname '*rtl8723*'

# rpm -qf /usr/src/linux-3.14.25-nrj-desktop-1rosa/include/config/rtl8723ae.h
Сообщения: 1111
Зарегистрирован: 21 дек 2012, 15:24
Operating system: Linux в разных вариантах

Re: Missing rtl8723be module

Сообщение euspectre »

Yes, it is a known problem. Looks like, it is quite dfficult to adapt this driver for 3.14.x without breaking things at the moment.

Fortunately, kernel 3.18 provides this driver already. We have this kernel in a separate (unofficial) repository, could you give it a try?
To install that kernel, please run the following commands as root:

Код: Выделить всё

urpmi.addmedia kernel-3.18 http://abf-downloads.rosalinux.ru/kernels_3_18x_personal/repository/rosa2014.1/x86_64/main/release/
urpmi kernel-nrj-desktop-3.18.5-1rosa kernel-nrj-desktop-devel-3.18.5-1rosa
It might be not the latest kernel but it worked OK so far on our test machines.
Сообщения: 51
Зарегистрирован: 14 мар 2013, 13:12
Operating system: Rosa Fresh 2012.1 64bit

Re: Missing rtl8723be module

Сообщение Mayavimmer »

It does not work:

Код: Выделить всё

# urpmi kernel-nrj-desktop-3.18.5-1rosa kernel-nrj-desktop-devel-3.18.5-1rosa
broadcom-wl ( Installing module.
.........(bad exit status: 10)
  Build failed.  Installation skipped.
fglrx (14.301.1001-3): Installing module.
.........(bad exit status: 10)
  Build failed.  Installation skipped.
vboxadditions (4.3.20-2): Installing module.
Сообщения: 1111
Зарегистрирован: 21 дек 2012, 15:24
Operating system: Linux в разных вариантах

Missing rtl8723be module

Сообщение euspectre »

Not so bad, really.
Yes, we know that fglrx and broadcom-wl still to not support 3.18.x but usually this is not critical. We plan to update these packages but not right now.

As you have RTL8723BE WiFi adapter, you are likely do not need broadcom-wl (the driver for WiFi adapters by Broadcom). So, you can ignore this error or just uninstall dkms-broadcom-wl.

Concerning fglrx - you can try to use the free video driver ('radeon') instead, temporarily. Please run XFdrake and choose the free driver there, then reboot the machine.

And by the way, could you upload the information about your hardware to our database? This will make the analysis of potential problems easier.
You can use 'hw-probe' tool for that, see https://linux-hardware.org/?show=check (replace 'PC_NAME' in the command with a name of your choice).
Сообщения: 51
Зарегистрирован: 14 мар 2013, 13:12
Operating system: Rosa Fresh 2012.1 64bit

Re: Missing rtl8723be module

Сообщение Mayavimmer »

The Notebook is a Lenovo G50. I had to give it back to my friend very quickly so I have not had a chance to run the hw-probe tool. I will do so when I get it back.

Meanwhile I had to deliver a fully functioning computer, so I tried the latest Mint Rebecca 17.1 which was compatible with the RTL8723BE. I believe it runs the 3.13 kernel.
Сообщения: 85
Зарегистрирован: 03 дек 2014, 16:00
Operating system: ROSA

Re: Missing rtl8723be module

Сообщение ShalokShalom »

Since Mint plans to ship this Kernel until 2019, is it likely, that they port newer drivers for that "old" Kernel.

It might be an nice idea, to use such Kernels. Debian, as one example more, do the same. This decision is up to the developers.
Сообщения: 1111
Зарегистрирован: 21 дек 2012, 15:24
Operating system: Linux в разных вариантах

Re: Missing rtl8723be module

Сообщение euspectre »

ShalokShalom писал(а):Since Mint plans to ship this Kernel until 2019, is it likely, that they port newer drivers for that "old" Kernel.

It might be an nice idea, to use such Kernels. Debian, as one example more, do the same. This decision is up to the developers.
The kernel is maintained by a team at Canonical, rather than by Mint developers, if I am not mistaken.

Anyway, Linux Mint is a good distro too, indeed. Though, I suppose, ROSA R5 + kernel 3.18.x would also do the job. And could probably be more convenient when running on newer graphics hardware, for example, (graphics drivers are notoriously difficult to backport).

As for the backports, we did provide them for some Realtek's drivers. However, the backported driver for RTL8723BE proved to be unstable during our testing, so new decided not to distribute it and recommend a newer kernel instead. The situation may have improved during the last months, I don't know that yet.

To Mayavimmer:
If you or your friend could at least boot ROSA R5 in Live mode on that machine and upload the data with hw-probe to us as I described above, it would help a lot. The more info we have about what works in ROSA and what doesn't, the better we can make our future releases, at least.
Сообщения: 85
Зарегистрирован: 03 дек 2014, 16:00
Operating system: ROSA

Re: Missing rtl8723be module

Сообщение ShalokShalom »

Yes, i guess as well, that the (very most) contributions come from Canonical.

What i mean is: Can we use LTS Kernels, which get support by other distro`s, in terms of backported drivers ?
Сообщения: 1111
Зарегистрирован: 21 дек 2012, 15:24
Operating system: Linux в разных вариантах

Re: Missing rtl8723be module

Сообщение euspectre »

ShalokShalom писал(а):What i mean is: Can we use LTS Kernels, which get support by other distro`s, in terms of backported drivers ?
Yes and no.

Our kernels have other nice features (like BFQ, full preemption by default, etc) that many other systems with LTS kernels do not have yet. So, we cannot just take their kernels as is and use them in ROSA.

Another reason is, as I said above, the drivers that are important but are rarely backported by anyone, e.g. graphics. It is cheaper to update the kernel, say, from 3.10.x to 3.14.x than to backport the changes in i915 (Intel), radeon (AMD) and nouveau (NVidia), except for bug fixes. This backport would require to backport the changes in other kernel subsystems as well (drm, etc.) and would eventually become a maintenance nightmare.

This is the "no" part of the answer.

The "yes" part is, we can sometimes adapt the backported drivers from other distros, esp. if the drivers are relatively small. I did so for some Realtek's drivers in ROSA before, for example. It takes time (even if the drivers works OK in another distro!) but it may be doable.

The users sometimes help us a lot in this, for example by finding the actual code and patches for the drivers that are needed for a particular kernel, testing the drivers we build and so on. This is very much appreciated because my colleagues and I usually have many other tasks at hand.
Сообщения: 85
Зарегистрирован: 03 дек 2014, 16:00
Operating system: ROSA

Re: Missing rtl8723be module

Сообщение ShalokShalom »

Thanks a lot, you make the case a bit more clear to me and confirm some of my assumptions, including the idea of a slow rolling and "LTS rolling" Kernel.
KaOS, as an example, ship an (at least) 6 weeks old kernel, so the second freshest Kernel. (I never face a Kernel issue in 1 1/2 years on this distro)

I also think, that a jump from one LTS Version to the next (after extensive testing) is likewise sense full, yes ?
Сообщения: 1111
Зарегистрирован: 21 дек 2012, 15:24
Operating system: Linux в разных вариантах

Re: Missing rtl8723be module

Сообщение euspectre »

ShalokShalom писал(а):I also think, that a jump from one LTS Version to the next (after extensive testing) is likewise sense full, yes ?
Yes, I also think so.
Сообщения: 85
Зарегистрирован: 03 дек 2014, 16:00
Operating system: ROSA

Re: Missing rtl8723be module

Сообщение ShalokShalom »

I see pkgs.org shows still 3.14, is the next Kernel 4.x ? :)
Сообщения: 1111
Зарегистрирован: 21 дек 2012, 15:24
Operating system: Linux в разных вариантах

Re: Missing rtl8723be module

Сообщение euspectre »

ShalokShalom писал(а):I see pkgs.org shows still 3.14, is the next Kernel 4.x ? :)
It is likely that we will choose the next 4.x branch that becomes longterm, unless something unexpected happens. No official decision yet, though.

In the meantime, the users are enouraged to test 4.0.x kernels we have prepared.
The feedback is very much appreciated. It will also help us decide which kernels to choose next. Or, may be, even which additional features to enable or disable in these kernels.

http://abf-downloads.rosalinux.ru/kerne ... 0/release/
http://abf-downloads.rosalinux.ru/kerne ... 0/release/

These kernels are not official and may be not very polished yet but are often useful anyway.

The patchset has been stripped to a bare minimum (but NRJ features, like BFQ, are there). This allows us to prepare the updates with less lag from kernel.org than before.

Note that some proprietary drivers may not yet work with these newer kernels, better to stick to the free drivers then.
Still, fglrx and nvidia346 from our repositories should work with 4.0.x. For broadcom-wl, these builds can be used:

Hope this helps.
Сообщения: 85
Зарегистрирован: 03 дек 2014, 16:00
Operating system: ROSA

Re: Missing rtl8723be module

Сообщение ShalokShalom »

Последний раз редактировалось ShalokShalom 30 май 2015, 12:08, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
Сообщения: 85
Зарегистрирован: 03 дек 2014, 16:00
Operating system: ROSA

Re: Missing rtl8723be module

Сообщение ShalokShalom »

euspectre писал(а): It is likely that we will choose the next 4.x branch that becomes longterm, unless something unexpected happens. No official decision yet, though.
Very good :D
euspectre писал(а): In the meantime, the users are enouraged to test 4.0.x kernels we have prepared.
The feedback is very much appreciated. It will also help us decide which kernels to choose next. Or, may be, even which additional features to enable or disable in these kernels.
I guess 4.1 or 4.2 is the next LTS Release.
euspectre писал(а): The patchset has been stripped to a bare minimum (but NRJ features, like BFQ, are there). This allows us to prepare the updates with less lag from kernel.org than before.
Fine and interesting decision, imho.

I think live ISOs are very good to help testing, other distros like KaOS confirm this a lot.

People can test the OS (and upload hw-probe), without touching the current setup on there disk
in live mode (and virtual box), without a huge update from R5 and the manual change to 4.0 etc. :)

Thanks a lot for all :D

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