Bug with Steam

Non-LTS (non-Marathon) related topics
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Зарегистрирован: 06 мар 2015, 01:20
Operating system: ROSA, Source Mage, FreeBSD

Bug with Steam

Сообщение EricG »

Hi, I just installed Fresh LXDE last week on an old laptop. I'm loving it so far. The only issue I have is with steam, When i launch it xTerm pops up and says "Steam nee ds to install the following: Curl, python-apt, xterm, xz-utils, zenity, libgl1-mesa-dr:i386, libgl1-mesa-glx:i386, libc6:i386" then it asks for my Root password. I typed it in, but it says unknown command "apt-get install" (Obviously).
I'm pretty sure I've got all of the RPM versions of the dependencies installed.

When I close xterm, Steam pops up and works fine. I just find that xterm popping up like that is annoying and I would like to know how to stop it.
Сообщения: 25
Зарегистрирован: 19 июл 2012, 01:10

Re: Bug with Steam

Сообщение belonesox »

This is becaise you install package «dpkg».
Just uninstall it:

Код: Выделить всё

 urpme dpkg
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Сообщения: 104
Зарегистрирован: 05 апр 2012, 10:50
Operating system: ROSA 2014.1 KDE R6
ROSA 2014.1 LXDE R5
ClearOS 6
Откуда: Moscow, Russia

Re: Bug with Steam

Сообщение r0g3r »

The other way to disable this message — open ~/.steam/steam/steamdeps.txt and change string STEAM_DEPENDENCY_VERSION=1 to STEAM_DEPENDENCY_VERSION=0. Save file and try to run Steam again.

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