Hi there :D

Сообщения: 85
Зарегистрирован: 03 дек 2014, 16:00
Operating system: ROSA

Hi there :D

Сообщение ShalokShalom »

I fall in love with ROSA in the last 2 Weeks..

My free software experience is based on helpful people and "pain-in-the-xxx" Distrohopping, in order to find an operating System, which works out of the box on a lot of different hardware.

I am really ready to help here with my free resources, because ROSA seems to be a distro, which fits that job. :D

ROSA Freeze might be a fine solution, in order to integrate plasma 5 and other changes and i also love hw-probe and the (very most of the) default desktop settings.

I found a ROSA Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/rosaos/

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