Rosa Fresh R2 doesn't start

Non-LTS (non-Marathon) related topics
Сообщения: 47
Зарегистрирован: 10 дек 2012, 12:30
Operating system: ROSA Marathon LTS

Rosa Fresh R2 doesn't start

Сообщение Cowboooy »

Hi everyone!
I buy a new laptop, and install ROSA Fresh R2, and update it and than install graphic card from "set up the graphical server" and it download and install drivers after restarting I cannot reach the login screen after boot splash screen it stay there and some words write there for example
"Failed to start wait for plymouth boot screen to quit" and nothing happen :x
How can I solve that?

Graphic card is ATI Radeon HD 7670M
Сообщения: 47
Зарегистрирован: 10 дек 2012, 12:30
Operating system: ROSA Marathon LTS

Re: Rosa Fresh R2 doesn't start

Сообщение Cowboooy »

Any idea? any help? nothing?...
Im using ROSA without installing ATI graphic driver, which is called "nouveau" driver, but it cause performance decradations...
Сообщения: 3
Зарегистрирован: 19 авг 2012, 03:52
Operating system: ROSA 2012 EE x86_64
Откуда: South Korea

Re: Rosa Fresh R2 doesn't start

Сообщение tanclo »

i had this problem on a netbook - i chose the last option in the installation options, then hit "tab" and added "nomodeset" to the line to boot up.
Сообщения: 47
Зарегистрирован: 10 дек 2012, 12:30
Operating system: ROSA Marathon LTS

Re: Rosa Fresh R2 doesn't start

Сообщение Cowboooy »

Can you explain to where is the last option in installation section and when you hit tab? Last you mean boot the computer with nomodeset code?
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 17
Зарегистрирован: 28 сен 2014, 21:09
Operating system: ROSA Desktop Fresh R5
Откуда: Greece, Bulgaria
Контактная информация:

Re: Rosa Fresh R2 doesn't start

Сообщение dsch »

There should be an option smth like:
Install with basic graphics.

If there isn't you can press the TAB when the focus is on the "install" option and add "nomodeset" (without the "") at the end and press enter.
Dimitrios Charalampidis
Snail Trading Ltd.

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