Unpredictable network interface names

Non-LTS (non-Marathon) related topics
Сообщения: 51
Зарегистрирован: 14 мар 2013, 13:12
Operating system: Rosa Fresh 2012.1 64bit

Unpredictable network interface names

Сообщение Mayavimmer »

My two network devices come up with names eth0 and eth1, or vice versa, randomly upon each boot. For the first time ever I have a non working firewall I am unable to fix.

Os is: ROSA Desktop Fresh R2 release 2012.1 for x86_64

I read up a little on the upstream systemd naming mess and they seem to propose 4 different solutions. The rules files mentioned do not exist on my system. There is much uncertainty on how to apply these and to which versions. Rosa's downstream systemd handling seems obscure to me.

Is there a reliable workaround until someone fixes the problem? Maybe tying the names to MAC's?

This is a showstopper -- help!
Сообщения: 51
Зарегистрирован: 14 мар 2013, 13:12
Operating system: Rosa Fresh 2012.1 64bit

Re: Unpredictable network interface names

Сообщение Mayavimmer »

Out of desperation I experimented with the following suggestion from
https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Ne ... vice_names on a different machine:

Код: Выделить всё

Create file /etc/udev/rules.d/10-network.rules with contents:

SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", ATTR{address}=="aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", NAME="net1"
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", ATTR{address}=="ff:ee:dd:cc:bb:aa", NAME="net0"

(I used my real MAC's of course).

After rebooting there is indeed a new device named "net0", no device named "eth0", and I can cruise the internet ok!

On my next painful trip to the firewall machine I will try this hack and set Shorewall up with my new "net0" and "net1" names, hoping never to see "eth0" and "eth1" again!

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