How can I enable OSSv4 in ROSA?

Non-LTS (non-Marathon) related topics
Сообщения: 28
Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2012, 15:17
Operating system: ROSA

How can I enable OSSv4 in ROSA?

Сообщение DisappearingOak »

I feel PulseAudio (it makes sound skip/stutter a lot of the times in music players and adds tiny distortions) and ALSA are not good enough for my needs. I want to know if there's a way to try out OSSv4 (which people say has very good audio quality and mostly as many features like per-app mixer as Pulse) without switching distros. I use ROSA as my primary desktop, but I'm a newbie and would like instructions on how to set up OSSv4. (I use Audacious media player).

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