Guide from MIB
http://mib.pianetalinux.org/forum/viewt ... 68&p=22875
I don't know if this is the best Area for this Topic, the guide i valid also for ROSA Marathon:
if a moderator find a better place, please, move this Topic to the proper Area, thanks...
VMWARE 10 Workstation > http://www.vmware.com/it/products/works ... tures.html
VMWARE Player 6.0 Plus > http://www.vmware.com/it/products/player/
This Guide is only a first draft, I'll complete it ASAP, especially for the perfect Apple audio part, video accell...
WORK IN PROGRESS..., I suggest you to check this page and RELOAD it often, new contents added...!
I remind You that to use VMWare fully, you need a cpu supporting VT, and having it enabled in your Bios,
and that the Apple part has been tested by me only with different Intel cpus (some centrino, core2, i3/i5/i7)
more generally, all the Intel cpu supporting VT and with VT enabled can use with satisfaction this software.
About new VMWare 10 and/or VMPlayer 6.0, I have to say ...
I've installed and tested on both ROSA Marathon and Fresh
It works really great!

In the new VMWare 10 there are a lot of new features, many of those are really great:
for example the support of sersors for new windows, the support of USB3 to load VMS from, ecc...
the speed of the VM is increased, both as I / O transfers, much more reactive to open
folders, as well as the network as well as refresh rate of the windows and play videos
You can install:
- as new user, a first time installation mode
- as update, if you have already installed the previous version wks 9 or vmplayer 5,
you do not need the manual uninstall of old version,
because the installer for version 10 provides to uninstall the previous version first
You can enter the your serial number when installing or even after
works well on both, now I write a feedback on MIB and ROSA Forums
In my experience, Marathon must disable pcscd service as suggested in the errata for Marathon,
otherwise the boot can lasts more than 5 minutes...
Issue: (this may only happens with Marathon, Fresh does NOT suffers the issue!)
http://wiki.rosalab.ru/en/index.php/Err ... arathon_X1
Very long boot time with VMWARE installed
In case your boot takes very long time you can try disabling pcscd service in your host system. It can be done via drakxservices, or by executing command
from root user.Код: Выделить всё
# systemctl disable pcscd.service
After installing vmware, you need to manual add vmci module, if not, no VMs can start
You can install immediately with the command (from root)
Код: Выделить всё
# modprobe vmci
Код: Выделить всё
# mcedit /etc/modprobe.preload
Код: Выделить всё
Then I rebooted my ROSA OS to check if everything was working after a fresh reboot, out of the box...
and I can confirm that, after those operations I suggested above, everything is working like a charm
VMWare Store and Virtual Apps
Virtual appliances are ready-to-run virtual machines packaged with an operating system and software application.
You can search, find, download and testdrive pre-packaged applications from:
https://solutionexchange.vmware.com/sto ... appliances
Other Info:
https://solutionexchange.vmware.com/sto ... _and_vapps
Read our white paper on virtual appliances and vApps (pdf) to learn more.
https://vmware-partnerpedia-shared.s3.a ... epaper.pdf
http://www.vmware.com/it/workforce-mobi ... id-desktop
you can try, download from there:
(from all my experimental tests, this kind of virtualization with vmware is much faster than virtualbox...)
Apple VMs are NOT officially supported, but all the code is hidden in the core of installed linux version:
using a patch called "unlocker", you can unhide these features...
patching with unlocker 1.2.0, the existing VMs apple start fine, you can download here:
http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/ ... -unlocker/
you can also avoid to subscribe to insanelymac.com, i found a copy of same file here:
the most recent version is called > unlock-all-v120
- http://rghost.net/48860299
- http://www.mrxuri.com/2013/10/04/instal ... chine.html
I remind You to read all the readme, i.e., an important step is your need to make the scripts as executable,
before trying to execute...
About the Apple VMs, in the Web you can download a lot of pre-installed OSX VMs (many torrents are available):
there are many version starting from 10.6 (Snow Leopard), 10.7 (Lion), 10.8 (Mountain Lion), 10.9 DPx (Mavericks beta)
after downloading, you simply need to extract into the destination folder, and launch clicking on the .vmx
(these ready VMs only start if you have patched with unlocker, if NOT you can see a rotating wheel forever...)
if your VM has been prepped with previous VMWare products (for example with vmware 9.x):
when you run an existing OSX image it seems to boot but then all you see is the grey apple,
the solution is easy, you need absolutely to upgrade the virtual hardware to 10 compatiblity!
Mac OSX Hardware Drivers:
You need to install the vmware tools (guest addictions), here are contained in a virtual iso called darwin.iso:
You can download from here, where this is extracted from the Apple Fusion 6.0):
http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/files/ ... darwiniso/
it sends you to this direct address
http://softwareupdate.vmware.com/cds/vm ... op/fusion/
from where you must select the latest version, that actually is 6.0
You can find the darwin.iso, containing all the guest addiction drivers, also from this root path
Код: Выделить всё
then you can remove the iso images, with the default phisical optical device address
After all these operations, everything should work fine, video resolutions, mouse, shared folders, network, NOT the audio part...
Mac OSX Audio driver: this part must apply only if you can NOT hear audio stream from your Vms
to have a perfect audio play, without hicups and or noises, we need to make some other few operations.
You must download & install the proper driver from:
Download the proper audio driver for your MacOSX ver, and install it from the Mac OSX, and shutdown it.
At this point you need to modify the driver into the vmware VM configuration.
Enter the OSX VM folder, search the file ending with .vmx, you must edit it:
change from:
Код: Выделить всё
sound.virtualDev = "hdaudio"
Код: Выделить всё
sound.virtualDev = "es1371"
You can Reload your OSX VM and test the audio, now it should work, you might listen noises and/or interruptions
Getting Better Sound/Video Playback in VMWare
Distorted, crackling video and audio playback in vmWare?
Shut down your VM, edit your .vmx configuration file to add these entries:
Код: Выделить всё
sound.virtualDev = "es1371"
pciSound.playBuffer = "80"
sound.maxLength = "2048"
sound.smallBlockSize = "1024"
sound.highPriority = "TRUE"
sound.bufferTime = "100"
- Test your new settings with a fresh YouTube video or MP3 file.
- If for any reason this crashed your sound driver in OS X... try removing the "sound.virtualDev" line from the config."
To have a perfect audio, sometimes you may need using the audio from DSP, so it can have the full access to "audio",
the DSP requires that you have previously installed the "aoss" driver, if you have not, now you can:
Код: Выделить всё
# urpmi aoss
Код: Выделить всё
# modprobe snd-pcm-oss
# modprobe snd-seq
you can edit from root:
Код: Выделить всё
# mcedit /etc/modprobe.preload
Код: Выделить всё
Starting again your OSX Vm, this time, the Audio should play, probably with some noises and hicups:
but we have already prepared the DSP to help us with its new devices /dev/dsp or /dev/audio, and so
to avoid these bad thing and having a perfect audio quality, you must change, from the VMWare gui:
Sound Card from
Код: Выделить всё
Audo detect (or Alsa / Pulse)
Код: Выделить всё
1>it may happen that the enabled device is named /dev/dsp1 instead than /dev/dsp, I suggest to verify into /dev contents
2>it may happen that vmware gui saves a wrong config in .vmx and then the /dev/dsp results as not available or not existant, edit it
and replace the wrong text, for example:
Код: Выделить всё
sound.fileName = "OSS: /dev/dsp"
Код: Выделить всё
sound.fileName = "/dev/dsp"
Restart again your OSX VM, launch for example ITunes, choose a preferred Radio channel, click on it, and listen...
Is good enough? I hope yes...

WARNING: when you Mac OSX will use audio, Linux cant use, becasue the DSP is occupied
SOLUTION? Yes, certainly, there is one!
You can add a secondary audio card, this can also be a chip USB audio stick (about 10 euro)
When a secondary card is correctly plugged, you should have in /dev > /dev/dsp and /dev/dsp1
so, you can assign /dev/dsp1 to Mac OSX, leaving the embedded audio card for the linux host,
with two different audio outputs, or with a mixer, you can choose which audio you want listen,
because now Mac OSX and Linux (or also WIN VMs) can play simultaneously audio streams...
Mac OSX 2D/3D Video Acceleration > VMsvga2
To obtain better video perfs, I suggest to install this driver (the proper driver for OSX version)
VMware SVGA II display driver for OS X, v1.2.5
http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/ ... os-x-v125/
You must download & install the proper driver from:
VMware SVGA II display driver: Video Memory
Info: http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/micros ... nalId=1003
If you desire to change the video memory amount from "autodetect" mode to "specific" values,
you can edit your .vmx file, in the following way > Try adding: svga.autodetect = "FALSE"
and use one of these values:
svga.vramSize = "16777216" #VRAM 16MB
svga.vramSize = "33554432" #VRAM 32MB
svga.vramSize = "67108864" #VRAM 64MB
svga.vramSize = "134217728" #VRAM 128MB
It works only 16-128MB (128MB maximum.)
example, to configure the max of 128Mb VRam, you must add this text
Код: Выделить всё
svga.autodetect = "FALSE"
svga.vramSize = "134217728" #VRAM 128MB
we may obtain a meaningful performance improvement
More Info about "trashing"
Mac OSX Video: FIt guest / Autofit Guest > guestd_patches.pkg
from Zenith432 words:
"In order to use fit-guest/autofit-guest with vmsvga2, you have to additionally install guestd_patches.pkg, which is found in the same download location. I split the installation package a long time ago - because the two components change at an unrelated pace - and it was a hassle to keep a single installer for both.
That said, the fit-guest support is broken under 10.9DP8. So stay tuned."
You must download & install the proper driver from:
Mac OSX Flash Player plugin:
After you've installed VMware SVGA II and rebooted, you can also install and/or use Adobe Flash Player:
you only need to disable the hardware accelleration, otherwise it would be impossible to play any videos
How do I disable or enable hardware acceleration?
now you should be able to play and watch the most of videos also in the "full screen" mode...
How to compact your VMDK (It's the Virtual HD file with MacOSX contents)
Question: >>> http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/ ... anup-vmdk/
Since VMware Workstation can't compress/reclaim space/cleanup HFS+ VMDKs, how would one get the space back without having to start over?
Answer: You need to zero unused sectors before compressing. When compressing a vmdk, it eliminates sectors only if they're all zero. Otherwise it can't know if the sector is occupied or not.
So go to any folder on the volume in the guest and run (open a Konsole / Terminal and execute the below command)
Then shutdown the guest and run VMware's compression on the vmdk.Код: Выделить всё
cat /dev/zero >zero.fill; sleep 1; sync; sleep 1; /bin/rm -f zero.fill
( >>> GoTo > Virtual Machine Settings > Hard Disk (SCSI) > click on "Utilities" box > choose "Compact" > Wait upto 100%
Your VM should has been successful compacted, you can verify the space used by the VM folder asking for Properties!)
Edit: note that it is not perfect, because there's some discarded space inside HFS metadata - like free inodes and such that are no longer used - but will not be zeroed with this. Not sure whether there's a tool for HFS to free unused metadata space.
An interesting resource, with a lot of "kext" (mac kernel drivers) is here:
All that I've suggested above has been tested and verified upto latest development Mac OSX version (Mavericks DP8)
and between Snow Leopard, Lion, M Lion and Mavericks, the best working are: Lion (10.7) and Mavericks beta (10.9)
Let me know if you like or find usefull this Guide..., if is clear, or if there are obscure parts that I can fix /enhance
bye, NicCo