bootloader error?

Сообщения: 2
Зарегистрирован: 10 фев 2013, 13:29
Operating system: Windows 7 x64

bootloader error?

Сообщение Alexsama »

Hi all, today i wanted to install rosa following the instructions from rosawiki. My main OS is w7 x64, when i reach the custom partition size I select auto-locate and it makes 3 partitions, sda4-root, sda5-swap, sda6-/home. Sda1 is the C:, sda2 D:, sda3-the 100MB windows partitions.
After install, it takes to grub boatloader part when it chooses to boot from the HDD, dev/sda, when i press finish it says that "bootloader has encountered a error .: "
I tried manual to create the 2 partition and it gives me the same error.
Сообщения: 2
Зарегистрирован: 08 фев 2013, 22:10
Operating system: ROSA Desktop.Fresh 2012

Re: bootloader error?

Сообщение Ramdoc »

Try sda4-root (sdax- /) formatted in ext3
Сообщения: 2
Зарегистрирован: 10 фев 2013, 13:29
Operating system: Windows 7 x64

Re: bootloader error?

Сообщение Alexsama »

It gives the same error.
Сообщения: 1
Зарегистрирован: 13 мар 2013, 10:39
Operating system: Rosa Desktop 2012
Контактная информация:

Re: bootloader error?

Сообщение Matusmm »

Hi, have you tried to make the format in ext4. I think it is better trying in manual, / - SWAP - /home

both in ext4. Maybe that can help
Сообщения: 37
Зарегистрирован: 16 май 2013, 19:53
Operating system: Arch Linux
Rosa Fresh

Re: bootloader error?

Сообщение bober »

install grub from tty instead gui ... boot_files
grub-install --debug --recheck /dev/sda

p.s. it is more convenient to use swapfile instead separate partition...

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