[Solved] How do I reset the eth0 settings?

Сообщения: 43
Зарегистрирован: 30 май 2012, 18:55

[Solved] How do I reset the eth0 settings?

Сообщение ejvwaasdijk »

A friend of mine bought a new keyboard and a new mouse and connected them while the computer was working. Now the connection to the internet has gone. Whatever I do to restore it: cold boot, connect or disconnect in the Networkinterface via the icon in the system tray, there is no connection even when the program says there is one.

How do I reset all settings for the eth0 connection? In what file are they kept? Is it possible to re-initiate the settings like it was done at installation without a a new installation?

With the old Mandriva powerpack DVDs one had the option to update an installed system. Nothing was updated of course, but all settings were detected again, so that this kind of system errors was easily corrected. We no longer have this admirable option with the Rosa DVDs. Please, can you help me to solve my problem?


Последний раз редактировалось ejvwaasdijk 05 апр 2013, 11:46, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
Сообщения: 43
Зарегистрирован: 30 май 2012, 18:55

Re: How do I reset the eth0 settings?

Сообщение ejvwaasdijk »

The problem is solved:

A reset of the modem reconstituted contact with the internet. The modem seemed to work, the ISP told us that it worked correctly. It did not.



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