Add repositories

Non-Desktop related topics
Сообщения: 2
Зарегистрирован: 03 мар 2013, 09:58
Operating system: Mandriva 2011, Rosa Marathon 2012 LTS EE

Add repositories

Сообщение esteban1972 »


As a Mandriva user I'm used to have a lot of different respositores (MIB, PLF, etc) where I can get new software. Do I only have the default repositories on Rosa Marathon 2012 LTS? Per example, in Mandriva we have easyurpmi as a tool to get a whole new set of repositories. Does that exists also for Rosa?


Costa Rica
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 101
Зарегистрирован: 12 янв 2013, 14:30
Operating system: ROSA Desktop.Fresh 2012
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Re: Add repositories

Сообщение kda »

esteban1972 писал(а):Hi,

As a Mandriva user I'm used to have a lot of different respositores (MIB, PLF, etc) where I can get new software. Do I only have the default repositories on Rosa Marathon 2012 LTS? Per example, in Mandriva we have easyurpmi as a tool to get a whole new set of repositories. Does that exists also for Rosa?


Costa Rica
No, we have everything in our repositories. If you do not find any package that you really need you can create a request in our Bugzilla to build it for ROSA Marathon 2012 (but is better to use ROSA Desktop Fresh 2012).

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