hello comrades !
i have a big problem with your linux distribution. The installation progress just go ok, the big problem is with grub2. How can I install this properly on my disk ? I need too create a boot EFI partition or what ? Can you please, write me a tutorial how can I install properly ROSA Linux on UEFI/GPT disk ?
install rosa on uefi/gpt
Re: install rosa on uefi/gpt
никто не знает как это сделать ?
Re: install rosa on uefi/gpt
The devs promised to give some answer tomorrow.
Re: install rosa on uefi/gpt
и как ?
Re: install rosa on uefi/gpt
Hello, generally installation should work out of the box, if it does not - it is indeed a bug.
it will be better if you will file the bug on bugzilla (http://bugs.rosalinux.ru/) and describe the problem a bit more clear.
If for some reason you want to avoid it - provide more info here please, like your hardware and what is the problem actually,
P.S. Bugzilla is generally better because it is easier to get notification there and it is a common place to collect and solve bugs.
it will be better if you will file the bug on bugzilla (http://bugs.rosalinux.ru/) and describe the problem a bit more clear.
If for some reason you want to avoid it - provide more info here please, like your hardware and what is the problem actually,
P.S. Bugzilla is generally better because it is easier to get notification there and it is a common place to collect and solve bugs.
Re: install rosa on uefi/gpt
I have successfully installed ROSA Desktop.Fresh 2012.1 x86_64 in UEFI mode on a 4Tb HDD with GPT.sysek писал(а):hello comrades !
i have a big problem with your linux distribution. The installation progress just go ok, the big problem is with grub2. How can I install this properly on my disk ? I need too create a boot EFI partition or what ? Can you please, write me a tutorial how can I install properly ROSA Linux on UEFI/GPT disk ?
Installation stages:
0) Preparation:
0.1) Using some partitioning software, make GPT partition table on your large (> 2Tb) HDD.
0.2) Make partitions:
1st: ~100 Mb size, filesystem FAT16 (or FAT32), set "boot" flag (let's label it as "EFI_BOOT");
2nd: ~500 Mb size, filesystem ext4 (label "RosaBoot");
3rd: [As You wish] Gb size, filesystem ext4 (label "RosaRoot");
4th: [According to Your RAM] size, filesystem linuxswap;
<your other partitions>
0.3) Copy RPMs and http://mirror.rosalinux.com/rosa/rosa20 ... x86_64.rpm on flash drive (or some partition, which will not be formatted during installation).
0.4) Burn ROSA .iso image on DVD disk.
1) Boot from ROSA installation disk in UEFI mode.
2) Run installation wizard (launch Konsole, then type "su" and press Enter; then type "draklive-install").
3) Choose partitions to install, and their mountpoints:
1: "RosaBoot" /boot
2: "EFI_BOOT" /boot/efi
(choosing these partitions in this order may be important!!! Choosing order of other partitions is unimportant)
X: <choose other partitions and their mountpoints>
4) Format root partition, if you want it.
5) Wait until the installation ends.
6) Don't choose to install boot manager!!! (It will not be installed anyway...)
If you have not choosed "Install boot manager" (Grub2), your partitions still be mounted after the "draklive-install" ends.
Otherwise, you must mount their manually. For example, in my case:
7) Copy RPMs "efibootmgr-0.5.4-8-rosa2012.1.x86_64.rpm" and "grub2-efi-2.00-13-rosa2012.1.x86_64.rpm" somewhere in the path,
which will be seen after "chroot /mnt/install"

9) Run "modprobe efivars"
10) Install packages "efibootmgr-0.5.4-8-rosa2012.1.x86_64.rpm" and "grub2-efi-2.00-13-rosa2012.1.x86_64.rpm".
11) Install Grub2 in EFI mode:
grub2-efi-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=rosa
12) run "update-grub2"
13) Check if bootmanager installed correctly:
That's all.
Some steps may be unnecessary, by I have installed it in such manner.