Problem with Slovak diacritics

Сообщения: 48
Зарегистрирован: 23 авг 2016, 07:42
Operating system: ROSA Desktop Fresh R12

Problem with Slovak diacritics

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I have problem to write ˇ for characters like š, č. SHIFT + ˇ button doesn't print expected ˇ character. If I use the same button without SHIFT for ´ (like é), it is working fine. Please how to fix the issue?

Сообщения: 48
Зарегистрирован: 23 авг 2016, 07:42
Operating system: ROSA Desktop Fresh R12

Problem with Slovak diacritics

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Any idea?
Сообщения: 546
Зарегистрирован: 15 мар 2016, 17:16
Operating system: ROSA Desktop Fresh R12.4 PLASMA
Откуда: Балаково, Саратовская обл.

Problem with Slovak diacritics

Сообщение dragon »

ShiftS = S
s = s
ShiftC = C
c = c
Shift + ShiftS = Š
Shift + s = š
Shift + ShiftC = Č
Shift + c = č

Delete and reinstall the Slovak layout (slo, default)?
Сообщения: 48
Зарегистрирован: 23 авг 2016, 07:42
Operating system: ROSA Desktop Fresh R12

Problem with Slovak diacritics

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I checked your video and you wrote there Ć instead of Č. I have also no problem with sign ´. But I have problem to put sign ˇ.

Now as writing this, I realized that it works for me fine here in the forum window. But I am not able to put it in other apps like, KWrite or LibreOffice Writer, Krusader, etc... So why working in Firefox, but the same not working in other apps? Is it some setting issue or?

I tried to remove Slovak layout and add again, but didn't help. I am using Slovak (QWERTY), but tried also Default, didn't help.
Сообщения: 546
Зарегистрирован: 15 мар 2016, 17:16
Operating system: ROSA Desktop Fresh R12.4 PLASMA
Откуда: Балаково, Саратовская обл.

Problem with Slovak diacritics

Сообщение dragon »

OK, point by point:
1. System Settings --> Input Devices --> Keyboard --> Layouts
Switchings Policy:
what? Global, Desktop, Application, Window? Must by Global.
Сообщения: 48
Зарегистрирован: 23 авг 2016, 07:42
Operating system: ROSA Desktop Fresh R12

Problem with Slovak diacritics

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Yes, Switching Policy is Global.
Сообщения: 546
Зарегистрирован: 15 мар 2016, 17:16
Operating system: ROSA Desktop Fresh R12.4 PLASMA
Откуда: Балаково, Саратовская обл.

Problem with Slovak diacritics

Сообщение dragon »

In Virtualbox is fine.
OK, let's compare carefully... Timeout...
Сообщения: 546
Зарегистрирован: 15 мар 2016, 17:16
Operating system: ROSA Desktop Fresh R12.4 PLASMA
Откуда: Балаково, Саратовская обл.

Problem with Slovak diacritics

Сообщение dragon »


The name of the file? I have in Virtualbox "00-keyboard.conf"

The contents of the file? I have:

Код: Выделить всё

Section "InputClass"
        Identifier "system-keyboard"
        MatchIsKeyboard "on"
        Option "XkbLayout" "us"
        Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
        Option "XkbOptions" "compose:rwin"
"sk" in file no (!!!). In fact there is.
Сообщения: 48
Зарегистрирован: 23 авг 2016, 07:42
Operating system: ROSA Desktop Fresh R12

Problem with Slovak diacritics

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I have the same content of the file as you:

Код: Выделить всё

Section "InputClass"
        Identifier "system-keyboard"
        MatchIsKeyboard "on"
        Option "XkbLayout" "us"
        Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
        Option "XkbOptions" "compose:rwin"
Is there anything wrong? What should I check next?
Сообщения: 48
Зарегистрирован: 23 авг 2016, 07:42
Operating system: ROSA Desktop Fresh R12

Problem with Slovak diacritics

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Btw. how did you do Č? By SHIFT+key: (+ = ˇ ´) and then SHIFT+c?
Сообщения: 546
Зарегистрирован: 15 мар 2016, 17:16
Operating system: ROSA Desktop Fresh R12.4 PLASMA
Откуда: Балаково, Саратовская обл.

Problem with Slovak diacritics

Сообщение dragon »

1. Press "Shift".
2. Hold "Shift" and press "+".
3. Release both keys.
4. Press "Shift".
5. Hold "Shift" and press "C".
Сообщения: 48
Зарегистрирован: 23 авг 2016, 07:42
Operating system: ROSA Desktop Fresh R12

Problem with Slovak diacritics

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Yes, it is exactly how I do it. So why is it working for me only in Firefox and for you in all apps? What else should I check?
Сообщения: 546
Зарегистрирован: 15 мар 2016, 17:16
Operating system: ROSA Desktop Fresh R12.4 PLASMA
Откуда: Балаково, Саратовская обл.

Problem with Slovak diacritics

Сообщение dragon »

I do not understand. I think we need to compare settings carefully. I must think...
Сообщения: 48
Зарегистрирован: 23 авг 2016, 07:42
Operating system: ROSA Desktop Fresh R12

Problem with Slovak diacritics

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Other way how to put Č. With turned on "Caps Lock" press "4". This works. But I am not used to such combination.
Сообщения: 546
Зарегистрирован: 15 мар 2016, 17:16
Operating system: ROSA Desktop Fresh R12.4 PLASMA
Откуда: Балаково, Саратовская обл.

Problem with Slovak diacritics

Сообщение dragon »

I'm looking for subtle keyboard settings. Still does not work.
Сообщения: 48
Зарегистрирован: 23 авг 2016, 07:42
Operating system: ROSA Desktop Fresh R12

Problem with Slovak diacritics

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After some last updates it started to work for me in LibreOffice Writer application. But still not working in KWrite for example or in Krusader.

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