2012.1 Desktop RC audio up set

Rosa Pingulio
Сообщения: 11
Зарегистрирован: 15 дек 2012, 21:21
Operating system: ROSA 2012.1 Desktop
Mandriva 2011.0

2012.1 Desktop RC audio up set

Сообщение Rosa Pingulio »


during install of the 32bits RC and during every boot afterwards when in the bootsequence my audio hardware is detected there is this continuous plock - plock - plock sound over my laptop speakers.
Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family High Definition Audio Controller, using driver snd_hda_intel, is ok.
I can't get rid of this horrible (and loud) plock - plock.
Cause it is over my build in speakers I can't set it off.
Posted it already at MIB forum when testing beta. Both 32 and 64 bits.

I presume it takes resources too because laptop is remarkably slow. Can't find the process to kill.
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Сообщения: 1381
Зарегистрирован: 12 сен 2011, 13:44

Re: 2012.1 Desktop RC audio up set

Сообщение akdengi »

Rosa Pingulio писал(а):Hi,

during install of the 32bits RC and during every boot afterwards when in the bootsequence my audio hardware is detected there is this continuous plock - plock - plock sound over my laptop speakers.
Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family High Definition Audio Controller, using driver snd_hda_intel, is ok.
I can't get rid of this horrible (and loud) plock - plock.
Cause it is over my build in speakers I can't set it off.
Posted it already at MIB forum when testing beta. Both 32 and 64 bits.

I presume it takes resources too because laptop is remarkably slow. Can't find the process to kill.

Resource part is KDE-related part - latest KDE need 2 Gb and more for smooth work...

For sound - try use workaround for Skype (may help)

http://wiki.rosalab.ru/en/index.php/Err ... d_in_Skype
Rosa Pingulio
Сообщения: 11
Зарегистрирован: 15 дек 2012, 21:21
Operating system: ROSA 2012.1 Desktop
Mandriva 2011.0

Re: 2012.1 Desktop RC audio up set

Сообщение Rosa Pingulio »

Workaround seems to be somewhat different.
Its not cracky sound.
It is the 'ploc' sound that I normally hear once during boot when my sound card is enabled.
But now the sound gets back after every second. Its horrible to hear and cause its a desktop I can't set it off.

I will try the Skype solution as soon as I can boot again (see different topic, I am looking for safe mode at boot).

Before the crash I was looking at Pulse mixer at the tab Input the device bars Line In and Microphone were popping up alternatively rapidly.
I was unable to disable the mute icon (which was in mute mode).
It looked as if the microphone sound worked as input for the line in, switching as fast as the ploc-ploc sounded. Very weird.
Rosa Pingulio
Сообщения: 11
Зарегистрирован: 15 дек 2012, 21:21
Operating system: ROSA 2012.1 Desktop
Mandriva 2011.0

Re: 2012.1 Desktop RC audio up set

Сообщение Rosa Pingulio »

Did a 'fresh' install of 2012.1 desktop.fresh.
During Install ploc-ploc again.
After first boot it disappeared. Problem solved?
No after reboot again ploc-ploc repeatingly.
My room mates are complaining about the constant morse sounds it makes.

Nothing to do with Pulse.
Pulse has problems running a youtube movie and vlc with an avi. Sound is hampered by the resources that ploc-ploc takes.

It starts at boot with the line: Reached Target Sound Card.

I am thinking of removing one of the snd modules loaded. But which one to take out?

PS. my laptop has 2 GB RAM. Mandriva2012 alpha en beta's run without ploc-ploc.
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Сообщения: 1381
Зарегистрирован: 12 сен 2011, 13:44

Re: 2012.1 Desktop RC audio up set

Сообщение akdengi »


Код: Выделить всё


and try disable some non-speaker resouces...

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