RED - registration - home use?

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Зарегистрирован: 21 май 2012, 15:09

RED - registration - home use?

Сообщение Majestic »

Hello Everyone.

I can see RED (Rosa Enterprise Desktop) available to download. I wonder if i download and install, will i be have to register? I simply wanna try and if it is better, i wanna use it by my own. Do i have to enter a registration key or after a while, will i be have to register it?

If you have any information, could you tell me please?

Thank you.
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Зарегистрирован: 14 окт 2014, 18:56
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RED - registration - home use?

Сообщение aponomarenko »

W/o a subscription it's equal to ROSA Fresh R10. So just go ROSA R10: ... Fresh.R10/
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