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Fail to install Windows Program

Добавлено: 14 апр 2015, 11:02
Hi all,

I'm trying to install a windows program using playonlinux, but doesn't seems to work because each time when the installer started to download the program file from web another pop-up windows show up asking for proxy name, login name and password. I don't understand what it means, it is because of Rosa desktop firewall blocking?

Screenshot attached.


Hopefully someone can help me. :(


Re: Fail to install Windows Program

Добавлено: 16 апр 2015, 08:09
After a few attempts, i have figure out how to install the metatrader 4 program successfully. :D

Firstly if you encounter such problem when the metatrader 4 installer started, just press cancel button without the installation. ON the Playonlinux menu go to configure, it will shows up playonlinux virtual drive that are already configured. In this case the metatrader 4 virtual drive already exist, we go to miscellaneous and scroll to "Run a windows executable (.exe ) file on this virtual drive" and press enter. It will bring us to the mt4setup.exe and just select open.



By this time the MT4 installer will start and just proceed the normal installation, and it will not ask the proxy option again.

Now we can have metatrader 4 up and running well under Rosa Desktop Fresh.
