How can I get more sofware?

Non-Desktop related topics
Сообщения: 2
Зарегистрирован: 25 янв 2014, 20:20
Operating system: Mageia, PCLinuxOS, KWheezy, Snow Linux

How can I get more sofware?

Сообщение roza »


I think Rosa is the most beautiful distribution I've ever seen, but I have a problem with it. There are a lot of software which missing. I use a couple distros wich are also Mandriva forks and them have what I need (PCLinuxOS, Mageia, OpenMandriva) but they aren't so good looking. OpenMandriva is close but Dolphin has the horrible default icons while Rosa has it's own. My question is, how can I use all the applications that I used to.
Сообщения: 907
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2015, 08:06
Operating system: RF.KDE5.2023.1.x86_64

How can I get more sofware?

Сообщение va9(2) »

roza, sorry for my english. If some programs are in other distributions, then most of them can be built for Rosa. On your own or ask someone, for example in this thread:
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