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/var on separate partition

Добавлено: 02 фев 2013, 01:10
I tried several times to install Rosa Marathon EE x86_64 with a separate partition for /var. These didn't succeed. About on 75% of the installation process the installations stopped with a message that it was not possible to write to root.
The problem was not that one of the partitions was too small. And I tried the installation on different places on the hard disk.
Installation without a separate partition for /var didn't give any problem.
I controlled whether the installation of Rosa Desktop has the same problem. But Desktop installs problemless /var in a separate partition.


Re: /var on separate partition

Добавлено: 02 фев 2013, 01:17
As I remember correctly this bug was fixed for Fresh only, see http://bugs.rosalinux.ru/show_bug.cgi?id=903

Re: /var on separate partition

Добавлено: 15 май 2013, 16:45
it's now working with the last ROSA.MARATHON.X1.EE.x86_64