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[solved] viking

Добавлено: 29 янв 2013, 14:44
I am trying ROSA Marathon because of the promise of long-term support. My experiences are very positive until now.
But I found that the repositories of Marathon do not contain viking, a program that I use intensively. I tried the viking-rpm from the ROSA-Desktop repositories, but that rpm does not install in Marathon because that rpm was compiled against Glibc_2.14. (Marathon works with Glibc_2.13).
I found a working viking-rpm at the repositories of Mandriva 2011. But it would be nice if there is a specific viking-rpm for Marathon.

Re: viking

Добавлено: 29 янв 2013, 16:06
viking- (used in ROSA Desktop Fresh) has been rebuilt for Marathon, should become available on mirrors during the day.

Re: viking

Добавлено: 30 янв 2013, 11:52
I just installed it. Thank you very much!