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[SOLVED]Can't reboot after installation
Добавлено: 27 сен 2012, 17:19
I have successful installed Rosa Marathon 2012 EE but the problem is after reboot it can boot into Rosa desktop, all i have is black screen.
What should i do?
Re: Can't reboot after installation
Добавлено: 27 сен 2012, 17:32
Forgot to mention i am dual boot Rosa Marathon 2012 with windows 7.
Re: Can't reboot after installation
Добавлено: 27 сен 2012, 23:15
matfx писал(а):windows 7.
Yes that's very important detail. Did you see the GRUB menu at all?
If not, you should insert Windows7 installation media and restore the loader, at least.
Re: Can't reboot after installation
Добавлено: 29 сен 2012, 08:34
After installed, i make the reboot. Upon reboot, i can see the Rosa marathon grub (i install the Rosa grub on mbr). Then it shows the Rosa grey boot screen, after a few seconds then went to black screen. Tried to reinstall again but still facing the same problem.
Re: Can't reboot after installation
Добавлено: 30 сен 2012, 11:05
Most likely a problem with the video card. When you see the grey screen Grub try select "....(safe mode)" and run the system in this mode.
Re: Can't reboot after installation
Добавлено: 30 сен 2012, 15:12
Hi PastorDi,
Thanks for the comment. I also have the same thought that it is my ATI graphic card can't be recognize by Rosa Lnux.
Re: Can't reboot after installation
Добавлено: 30 сен 2012, 18:44
try adding nomodeset to your grub boot string.
If system boots ok, then you can try using fglrx proprietary driver from rosa non-free repo. Install it and then choose with XFdrake.
Re: Can't reboot after installation
Добавлено: 03 окт 2012, 11:45
Sorry to ask, but how to insert nomodeset?
Re: Can't reboot after installation
Добавлено: 03 окт 2012, 14:01
After booting in GRUB menu press F3 and append
nomodeset (at the end of the string)
Then hit Enter
Re: Can't reboot after installation
Добавлено: 03 окт 2012, 18:30
Thank you for the info. Now i can boot into Rosa desktop. Download the non-free graphic cards driver and everything solved.
Re: Can't reboot after installation
Добавлено: 03 окт 2012, 20:47
matfx писал(а):Download the non-free graphic cards driver and everything solved.
I have ATI Mobility Radeon. Can you give here some more details, please?