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bugs in rosa 2012.1 alpha

Добавлено: 27 сен 2012, 16:32
I am not able to turn off bluetooth in rosa 2012.1. Also, it seems that ntp is broken.

Re: bugs in rosa 2012.1 alpha

Добавлено: 27 сен 2012, 17:28
Alpha is alpha, I'm afraid :) we shouldn't expect much stability of a system which is under heavy development and rebuilding process.

Re: bugs in rosa 2012.1 alpha

Добавлено: 28 сен 2012, 10:29
And now alpha does not go past the login screen. I think i should revert back to 2012 marathon.

Re: bugs in rosa 2012.1 alpha

Добавлено: 30 сен 2012, 14:51
I think that this alpha is on quite high level.
Fedora and *ubuntu have problems with kernels 3.5.x and higher. They have problem with older ATI Mobility Radeon graphic cards (I have it one, too).
But ROSA 2012.1 Alha NO. It has kernel 3.5.1 and I can boot without any problem. It is quite strange. :)