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frequence of updates and what software ?
Добавлено: 12 авг 2012, 13:55
2012 lts
what is the frequence of updating sofware and what software is updated during these 5 years ?
for example digikam 2.5 is supplied and the last version of digikam is 2.8.0
Re: frequence of updates and what software ?
Добавлено: 12 авг 2012, 14:10
Re: frequence of updates and what software ?
Добавлено: 12 авг 2012, 14:27
thanks for digikam 2.8.0.
why your packet is not in 2012 lts main/updates or contrib/updates ?
Re: frequence of updates and what software ?
Добавлено: 12 авг 2012, 14:49
Re: frequence of updates and what software ?
Добавлено: 12 авг 2012, 15:06
Sorry, there gimp 2.8.0. I made a mistake.
Re: frequence of updates and what software ?
Добавлено: 12 авг 2012, 20:08
philippe.roubach писал(а):2012 lts
what is the frequence of updating sofware and what software is updated during these 5 years ?
I'll try to clear up this matter tomorrow and give the answer, if possible.
Re: frequence of updates and what software ?
Добавлено: 12 авг 2012, 20:31
got it today. See:
speaking in particularly of fresh digikam -- there will be no update, because it requires the whole Qt to be rebuilt. In LTS we have KDE 4.8, so everything that requires the whole bunch of fresh libraries won't be updated. There'll be something in contrib but not much either. A a special repo with kinda fresh soft for LTS is to be available soon, BUT it is still LTS and everything thas goes beyond MAIN and NON-FREE will not be supported.
Please-please guys, wait a liitle untill beta 2012.1 comes in September

Re: frequence of updates and what software ?
Добавлено: 12 авг 2012, 21:23
Please-please guys, wait a liitle untill beta 2012.1 comes in September
you don't understand.
if i install a LTS this is because i don't want to update my system but just app and drivers
this what a lts is for, no ?
Re: frequence of updates and what software ?
Добавлено: 12 авг 2012, 21:37
Well, in some cases you just can't update application without updating some
system dependencies, as it turns out. Drivers are little different. Now, I got an answer from devs that digikam 2.8.0 would require rebuilding of Qt, so the digikam 2.8.0 won't be available for LTS

We just have to clarify every application you want to be updated, I'm afraid.