GLX and Direct Rendering - AMD

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Зарегистрирован: 21 май 2012, 15:09

GLX and Direct Rendering - AMD

Сообщение Majestic »

Hello Everyone.

I can't watch videos over 480 and i also have problem on skype. At Earlier versions, as i installed proprietary driver, everything had worked fine.

I want to enable glx and direct rendering, with this x11 driver. Is it possible? How can i fix this?

About skype, with new updated version, in my opinion they switched hd videos. So that i cant see my cam working. (on gmail, it works)

I'm looking forward to getting a good answer to enable those and works everything fine.

Thank you.
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Re: GLX and Direct Rendering - AMD

Сообщение keleg »

Please, send hardware probe
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Зарегистрирован: 14 окт 2014, 18:56
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GLX and Direct Rendering - AMD

Сообщение aponomarenko »

Please, share your hardware configuration by following instructions at viewtopic.php?f=30&t=5700 to let us know how to help you.

Thank you.
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