I see that "virtuoso-t" process consumes a lot of memory
I use and I need Nepomuk so I would know if you can package last version 6.1.6 which comes with a ton of fixes, improvements and optimizations and it is highly recommended to update for the best Nepomuk experience.
Operating system: Now fully Linux. (Kubuntu), Linux Mint (KDE) Koraraa 17 (Fedora KDE based) and... when I can get grub to work.. soon to be a 32bit and 64bit (and very happy) Rosa user
6.1.6 might come with a ton of fixes but you'll probably be disappointed. I have latest mageia kde 4.9.2, and 4.9.2 in Fedora and on Linux Mint at work with latest Virtuoso/Nepomuk/akonadi and sadly they still chew the cpu and RAM to shreds on every single machine I have.
I love KDE and love the idea of Nepomuk and I do love Kmail and Kontact but Virtuoso / Nepomuk and Akonadi are ghastly and awful.
For example, I have 3 IMAP accounts. Because Nepomuk and Virtuoso all work together with Akonadi to index my emali it was killing my CPU and RAM, so I stopped the automatic mail checking. Didn't help because Akonadi doesn't let go of the memory when it's not in use, so Akonadi, Nepomuk and Virtuoso were still using 100s of MB of Ram and Nepomuk was still running my CPU to the limite every so often so often.
I removed KDE PIM and Akonadi on 1 PC running kde 4.9.1 (as it was then) and that helped a little, but in the end I've just ended up hacking Virtuoso's config file so that it won't start anymore. I do hope they fix it soon, it's been the big letdown of KDE for ages now and it's still awful (sadly).
I hope if you upgrade you get a different result to me, maybe the Rosa guys can make it work, I'd love to think they could. Have you tried the Latest Alpha build though, I dont' know if that has latest Virtuoso installed (I can't get it to boot to try)?