Search engine on AFB?

Сообщения: 68
Зарегистрирован: 29 окт 2012, 01:31
Operating system: RM2012.0lts

Search engine on AFB?

Сообщение GiuX »

Hi to everybody,
What do you think about a search engine for packages on ABF? This could become an integrated way to publish packages for our distro as ppa on Ubuntu, so as to enrich our distro...
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Сообщения: 7717
Зарегистрирован: 12 сен 2011, 13:00
Operating system: ROSA 2023.1

Re: Search engine on AFB?

Сообщение VictorR2007 »

My opinion.
Is it dangerous.
This can break the system from inexperienced users.
It is better to have everything in the repository.
A curious users can find links here.
Сообщения: 68
Зарегистрирован: 29 окт 2012, 01:31
Operating system: RM2012.0lts

Re: Search engine on AFB?

Сообщение GiuX »

But this would be addressed only for advanced users that they aren't satisfied by the official packages, and could be accompanied by a disclaimer that alert the users on the packages installed... I think that ABF is very powerful tool, but it's seems to be not totally expressed...
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Сообщения: 7717
Зарегистрирован: 12 сен 2011, 13:00
Operating system: ROSA 2023.1

Re: Search engine on AFB?

Сообщение VictorR2007 »


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