New Drivers for the default kernel ?

Сообщения: 85
Зарегистрирован: 03 дек 2014, 16:00
Operating system: ROSA

New Drivers for the default kernel ?

Сообщение ShalokShalom »

Get the default kernel in ROSA back ported driver modules, like in debian ?
Сообщения: 1111
Зарегистрирован: 21 дек 2012, 15:24
Operating system: Linux в разных вариантах

Re: New Drivers for the default kernel ?

Сообщение euspectre »

What do you mean?

Do you need any particular kernel modules for our current kernel version (3.14) that exist only for newer versions in upstream?
Сообщения: 85
Зарегистрирован: 03 дек 2014, 16:00
Operating system: ROSA

Re: New Drivers for the default kernel ?

Сообщение ShalokShalom »

I think so, ROSA KDE R5 boot only in basic installation mode with correct graphics on my Acer Aspire E 17 and the touchpad refuse to work at all:

Acer Aspire E 17 (E5-721-621B)
A6-6310 with R4 Graphics
A4-6000 with R2 Graphics

Thanks in advance
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 396
Зарегистрирован: 14 окт 2014, 18:56
Operating system: ROSA Linux

Re: New Drivers for the default kernel ?

Сообщение aponomarenko »

ShalokShalom писал(а):I think so, ROSA KDE R5 boot only in basic installation mode with correct graphics on my Acer Aspire E 17 and the touchpad refuse to work at all:

Acer Aspire E 17 (E5-721-621B)
A6-6310 with R4 Graphics
A4-6000 with R2 Graphics
Please make a probe of the notebook: ... ardware_DB
Проверить работоспособность компьютера и найти драйвера / Check operability of hardware and find drivers:

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hw-probe -all -upload
Сообщения: 85
Зарегистрирован: 03 дек 2014, 16:00
Operating system: ROSA

New Drivers for the default kernel ?

Сообщение ShalokShalom »

From GNOME 3 R5 live mode (without updates)
Сообщения: 1111
Зарегистрирован: 21 дек 2012, 15:24
Operating system: Linux в разных вариантах

Re: New Drivers for the default kernel ?

Сообщение euspectre »

ShalokShalom писал(а):I think so, ROSA KDE R5 boot only in basic installation mode with correct graphics on my Acer Aspire E 17 and the touchpad refuse to work at all:
Well, looks like there are three different issues here.

1. Touchpads - please wait a bit, our QA team is now testing the updates for X11 input drivers that might help (x11-driver-input-evdev + x11-driver-input-synaptics). If these updates do not help, please file a bug and we'll dig into it further.

2. Graphics.
Yes, the opensource "radeon" driver from kernel 3.14 does not support Radeon "Mullins" family and your videocard in particular. There are at least two options:
* Try the proprietary driver (use XFdrake to properly set it up), it should support that GPU.
* Try kernel 3.18.x from unofficial repositories. To install it, add the repository (as root)

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urpmi.addmedia kernel-3.18
Then install the kernel and its development files:

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urpmi kernel-nrj-desktop-3.18.8-1rosa kernel-nrj-desktop-devel-3.18.8-1rosa
"radeon" driver is a very complex piece of work, backporting it to 3.14 from 3.18 is extremely difficult and error-prone. Other solutions might be more appropriate.

3. WiFi.
You did not mention it, but it must be there. RTL8723BE hardware is also not supported by kernel 3.14.x and backporting the driver from 3.18 was not successul so far. The backported driver lead to system crashes, so we did not even release it to our users. Again, trying kernel 3.18 is an option worth considering here.

Of course, we do not plan to stick with kernel 3.14.x forever.
We prefer longterm-support kernel series like 3.10.x, 3.14.x, 3.18.x also became longterm recently. It is still not decided whether we go for 3.18.x or wait for the next longterm series (4.0.x kernels have their benefits too). Anyway, we'll stay with 3.14.x for at least one or two months, I guess, may be longer.
Сообщения: 85
Зарегистрирован: 03 дек 2014, 16:00
Operating system: ROSA

Re: New Drivers for the default kernel ?

Сообщение ShalokShalom »

Yes, WiFi is in general currently a mess with this chip, i install 3.19 on KaOS and it still disconnect from time to time, i will try 3.18 on this device with ROSA, thanks a lot.

Linux 4.1 include kdbus and i think thats a major feature, especially for a distro, that stays so long on one kernel, which is great, imho.

Afaik stick the current release (2014.1) always on 3.14, i read this somewhere in the ROSA documentation ?

So the new kernel comes with the next upgrade release of ROSA, yes ?
Or get the current R4/R5 installations this new kernel as well ?

Thanks for the great Support :D
Сообщения: 1111
Зарегистрирован: 21 дек 2012, 15:24
Operating system: Linux в разных вариантах

Re: New Drivers for the default kernel ?

Сообщение euspectre »

ShalokShalom писал(а):Afaik stick the current release (2014.1) always on 3.14, i read this somewhere in the ROSA documentation ?
Or get the current R4/R5 installations this new kernel as well ?
No, sticking to 3.14.x in the platform 2014.1 is not a strict policy. If we decide to move to a newer longterm kernel, we may do so in ROSA R5 as well. The upgrade process is rather transparent.
Сообщения: 85
Зарегистрирован: 03 дек 2014, 16:00
Operating system: ROSA

Re: New Drivers for the default kernel ?

Сообщение ShalokShalom » ... new_kernel

(I like the idea, to upgrade the Kernel, so long as this is very huge tested. Can i help with testing then ? I guess a Alpha/Beta/RC ISO get released, in order to test it on multiple devices in live mode ?)
Сообщения: 1111
Зарегистрирован: 21 дек 2012, 15:24
Operating system: Linux в разных вариантах

Re: New Drivers for the default kernel ?

Сообщение euspectre »

Well, thanks for pointing that page out. It is a bit obsolete, we might have to revisit it.
What it means by "the kernel is installed but not upgraded" is that when a new kernel is installed, the older kernels are not removed from the system automatically.

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urpme --auto-orphans
will help to remove all the old stuff, though.
ShalokShalom писал(а):(I like the idea, to upgrade the Kernel, so long as this is very huge tested. Can i help with testing then ? I guess a Alpha/Beta/RC ISO get released, in order to test it on multiple devices in live mode ?)
You are welcome.

Actually, ISO images with all the current updates are built quite often (sometimes, daily). The images that pass our basic automated tests (install in QEMU, update, running some apps, etc.) are uploaded to ... utotested/. Everyone may try them.

Of course, when we decide to switch to a newer longterm kernel, a fair amount of testing will be performed. The testing images will also be prepared, etc.

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