[Solved] Change settings Rosa Simple Welcome

Сообщения: 43
Зарегистрирован: 30 май 2012, 18:55

[Solved] Change settings Rosa Simple Welcome

Сообщение ejvwaasdijk »

How do I remove recent documents (and and change other settings) from Rosa's "Simple Welcome"?


Erik Jan
Последний раз редактировалось ejvwaasdijk 14 фев 2013, 17:57, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
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Re: Change settings Rosa Simple Welcome

Сообщение VictorR2007 »

So you can clean or some settings in "kmenuedit"
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Сообщения: 101
Зарегистрирован: 12 янв 2013, 14:30
Operating system: ROSA Desktop.Fresh 2012
Контактная информация:

Re: Change settings Rosa Simple Welcome

Сообщение kda »

ejvwaasdijk писал(а):How do I remove recent documents (and and change other settings) from Rosa's "Simple Welcome"?


Erik Jan
You can not do this for ROSA Marathon 2012. This feature is implemented only for ROSA Desktop Fresh 2012.
Сообщения: 43
Зарегистрирован: 30 май 2012, 18:55

Re: Change settings Rosa Simple Welcome

Сообщение ejvwaasdijk »

Thank you, kda and Victor,

for your speedy replies. The problem is, that I installed Marathon EE LTS, because the user will need a desktop that is stable and maintained for a long time. I shall not have the oportunity to frequently reinstall fresh versions. In the LTS version there is no icon as indicated by Victor. But there must be some file somewhere in the home directory that contains the names of the recently opened documents. I cannot find this file. So I hope some reader of this forum will know.

Thanks in advance and greetings,

Erik Jan.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 101
Зарегистрирован: 12 янв 2013, 14:30
Operating system: ROSA Desktop.Fresh 2012
Контактная информация:

Re: Change settings Rosa Simple Welcome

Сообщение kda »

ejvwaasdijk писал(а):Thank you, kda and Victor,

for your speedy replies. The problem is, that I installed Marathon EE LTS, because the user will need a desktop that is stable and maintained for a long time. I shall not have the oportunity to frequently reinstall fresh versions. In the LTS version there is no icon as indicated by Victor. But there must be some file somewhere in the home directory that contains the names of the recently opened documents. I cannot find this file. So I hope some reader of this forum will know.

Thanks in advance and greetings,

Erik Jan.
Look here ~/.kde4/share/apps/RecentDocuments/
Сообщения: 43
Зарегистрирован: 30 май 2012, 18:55

Re: Change settings Rosa Simple Welcome

Сообщение ejvwaasdijk »

Yes, that is the one!
Thank you very much.

Erik Jan

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