Blender 2.58 doesn't work
Blender 2.58 doesn't work
Hi everyone,
I want to work with Blender, and install it from CC after successful installation when I click the icon of blender a window appear in a short time after closing, and nothing happen, always doing same when I click the icon of blender, it cannot open, how can I fix this problem?
I want to work with Blender, and install it from CC after successful installation when I click the icon of blender a window appear in a short time after closing, and nothing happen, always doing same when I click the icon of blender, it cannot open, how can I fix this problem?
Re: Blender 2.58 doesn't work
Did you try to run it from terminal? What it says?
Re: Blender 2.58 doesn't work
Код: Выделить всё
$ blender
Info: Config directory with "startup.blend" file not found.
Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix>
Could not find platform dependent libraries <exec_prefix>
Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>]
Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: Unable to get the locale encoding
LookupError: no codec search functions registered: can't find encoding
Aborted (core dumped)
Re: Blender 2.58 doesn't work
Do you run 64 bit system?
Re: Blender 2.58 doesn't work
No, 32 bit
Re: Blender 2.58 doesn't work
I've installed blender on my x86 LXDE Marathon notebook, works ok. So it's obviously something wrong in your particular system. I'd suggest you to register at and ask for help, they speak English allright there.
Re: Blender 2.58 doesn't work
Ok thank you ДроноваЮ for the information, I will try that.
Re: Blender 2.58 doesn't work
Seems to be a known bug:
One of the suggestion is that blender from Marathon can crash with some specific locales; you can try to set locale to English for experiments.
Blender 2.64 should work fine, not sure if it is easy to backport it to Marathon.
One of the suggestion is that blender from Marathon can crash with some specific locales; you can try to set locale to English for experiments.
Blender 2.64 should work fine, not sure if it is easy to backport it to Marathon.
Re: Blender 2.58 doesn't work
He said he was using a 32 bit machine, actually.
He said he was using a 32 bit machine, actually.
Re: Blender 2.58 doesn't work
Marathon was gone at this time
and try to rescue system after I will turn to the blender
I hope locale technique work 

Re: Blender 2.58 doesn't work
Yeah, in my 32bit VM with ROSA Marathon blender 2.58 works with English locale and fails with the Russian one. I'll try to build newer blender for Marathon and see if it works...
Re: Blender 2.58 doesn't work
Ok, I've updated blender for Marathon. At least it works fine now with Russian locale.
Re: Blender 2.58 doesn't work
Oh really, I'm happy that, I will try that, note I don't use Russian or Russia country language or anything else, I use English language and America for the locale if I'm not wrong. But thank you very much 

Re: Blender 2.58 doesn't work
Download the archive unpack "tar.bz2" - it then go to the directory and run the file double-clicking called "blender".
Works for me "blender-2.65a-linux-glibc27-i686.tar.bz2"
Version "blender-2.65-linux-glibc211-i686.tar.bz2" , it works - but not on every computer.
Version "blender-2.67b-linux-glibc 211-i686", it works - but not on every computer.
Download the archive unpack "tar.bz2" - it then go to the directory and run the file double-clicking called "blender".
archive "i686.tar.bz2" - is scheduled for 32 bit.
archive "x86_64.tar.bz2" - is scheduled for 64 bit.
Works for me "blender-2.65a-linux-glibc27-i686.tar.bz2"

Version "blender-2.65-linux-glibc211-i686.tar.bz2" , it works - but not on every computer.
Version "blender-2.67b-linux-glibc 211-i686", it works - but not on every computer.
Download the archive unpack "tar.bz2" - it then go to the directory and run the file double-clicking called "blender".
archive "i686.tar.bz2" - is scheduled for 32 bit.
archive "x86_64.tar.bz2" - is scheduled for 64 bit.
ROSA Fresh R10 MATE - 64 bit
Re: Blender 2.58 doesn't work
Oh thanks dareksmok I will try it and fedback