[РЕШЕНО] rpmlint: error: unrecognized argument: -f

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Зарегистрирован: 11 июн 2023, 21:41
Operating system: Rosa13
Откуда: Vicino Roma
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[РЕШЕНО] rpmlint: error: unrecognized argument: -f

Сообщение MikiLinux »


sto provando a creare il pacchetto rpm del modulo Perl "perl-Proc-ProcessTable" (https://metacpan.org/pod/Proc::ProcessTable), ma mi viene restituito l'errore:

rpmlint: error: unrecognized argument: -f

- Rosa 13 Plasma 6
- rpmlint versione 2.6.1
rpmlint error - unrecognized argument: -f
rpmlint error - unrecognized argument: -f
P.S.: Noto una incogruenza nella versione del pacchetto "perl-Number-WithError" (https://metacpan.org/pod/Number::WithError); l'ultima versione rilasciata è la 1.01, ma nel gestore dei pacchetti appare una 1.10.0. C'è per caso qualche erore di distrazione oppure "01" viene interpertato come "010" e quindi come "10"?
Module version
Module version


I am trying to create the rpm package of the Perl module “perl-Proc-ProcessTable” (https://metacpan.org/pod/Proc::ProcessTable), but I get error:

rpmlint: error: unrecognized argument: -f

(image above). Any idea?
- Rosa 13 Plasma 6
- version rpmlint 2.6.1

P.S.: I notice an inconsistency in the version of “perl-Number-WithError” package (https://metacpan.org/pod/Number::WithError); the latest version released is 1.01, but i see 1.10.0 (image above) in the package manager. Is there any mistake or "01" is interperted as "010 then "10""?
Последний раз редактировалось MikiLinux 26 янв 2025, 17:43, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
Desktop: Rosa13 KDE/Plasma
PC Lab: Rosa Linux 12.5.1 XFCE
Portatile: Rosa Linux 12.5.1 LxQt

Сообщения: 945
Зарегистрирован: 30 окт 2021, 04:17
Operating system: Rosa Fresh Xfce

rpmlint: error: unrecognized argument: -f

Сообщение irton »

MikiLinux писал(а): 24 янв 2025, 02:49 (image above). Any idea?
check rpmlintrc file, you use project from other distro.

Is there any mistake or "01" is interperted as "010 then "10""?
Rosa use macros for create perl version:
%perl_convert_version %{upstream_version}
also see https://abf.rosa.ru/import/perl-Number- ... .spec#lc-5
Сообщения: 945
Зарегистрирован: 30 окт 2021, 04:17
Operating system: Rosa Fresh Xfce

rpmlint: error: unrecognized argument: -f

Сообщение irton »

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 157
Зарегистрирован: 11 июн 2023, 21:41
Operating system: Rosa13
Откуда: Vicino Roma
Контактная информация:

rpmlint: error: unrecognized argument: -f

Сообщение MikiLinux »

irton писал(а): 24 янв 2025, 15:21 use https://abf.rosa.ru/import/perl-Proc-ProcessTable

No, stesso errore. :(
Se provi tu a creare il pacchetto va a buon fine?
Sto usando la versione "ROSA_13_PLASMA6_x86_64_53791"
Domani proverò con la nuova ISO (53817) (https://abf.io/platforms/rosa13/product ... ists/53817).
error RPMlint
error RPMlint

No, same error. :(
If you try to create the package yourself, does it succeed?
I'm using "ROSA_13_PLASMA6_x86_64_53791"
Tomorrow I'll try with new ISO (53817) (https://abf.io/platforms/rosa13/product ... ists/53817).
Desktop: Rosa13 KDE/Plasma
PC Lab: Rosa Linux 12.5.1 XFCE
Portatile: Rosa Linux 12.5.1 LxQt

Сообщения: 945
Зарегистрирован: 30 окт 2021, 04:17
Operating system: Rosa Fresh Xfce

rpmlint: error: unrecognized argument: -f

Сообщение irton »

You have enabled testing repo? in testing we have new rpm and it`s need more work for rignt use!!!!

See, i`m update this project https://abf.rosa.ru/import/perl-Proc-Pr ... a9311c14d4
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 157
Зарегистрирован: 11 июн 2023, 21:41
Operating system: Rosa13
Откуда: Vicino Roma
Контактная информация:

rpmlint: error: unrecognized argument: -f

Сообщение MikiLinux »

irton писал(а): 26 янв 2025, 08:20 You have enabled testing repo? in testing we have new rpm and it`s need more work for rignt use!!!!
La versione 2.6.1 di rpmlint è una versione di test? Perché con:

rpmlint 1.11

funziona senza alcun problema (immagine in basso). Il problema me lo da quando provo con:

rpmlint 2.6.1


Is rpmlint 2.6.1 a test verion? Because With:

rpmlint 1.11

it works without any problem (image below). The problem it gives me when I try with:

rpmlint 2.6.1
Rpmlint 1.11
Rpmlint 1.11
Desktop: Rosa13 KDE/Plasma
PC Lab: Rosa Linux 12.5.1 XFCE
Portatile: Rosa Linux 12.5.1 LxQt


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