I would like to inquire about whether the new R12 platform will be available with the XFCE desktop environment? The previous version was offered both Xfce and LXQt and these environments are excellent for older machines. Unfortunately, I can't speak Russian so I could not ask Rosa's VK community about it. I always check the official page and Distrowatch for new versions, and I was very happy to see that the brand new platform was launched. But in case of R12 only KDE Plazma 5 is available, and with 12.1 (if I am not mistaken it is the usual corrective release) comes GNOME 41 too. However my machine is sadly too old for these environments that's why I would like to know whether an official support for XFCE (or LXQT) will be provided in the future. Rosa is so well optimized; R11.1 runs excellently on my computer so I hope I can continue using this OS with the updated components.
