Change the default file manager

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 6
Зарегистрирован: 29 апр 2020, 20:20
Operating system: ROSA Desktop Fresh R11.1 EE 2016.1 Desktop (XFCE)
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Change the default file manager

Сообщение Barreto »

Hello, people!
I want to know how, if possible, can i change the default file manager of my Rosa R11 xfce.
The default is Thunar, and I want to use XFE.
I already have found and installed XFE on Synaptic. But the system can not see it on XFCE's preferred applications.ried
I have tried to just write "XFE" on it, but that did not work.
Any way to do this?

Thank you in advance.
Сообщения: 147
Зарегистрирован: 13 июл 2019, 09:57
Operating system: ROSA Fresh R11.1 XFCE

Change the default file manager

Сообщение asa »

Here, try this. Decide on the image.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 6
Зарегистрирован: 29 апр 2020, 20:20
Operating system: ROSA Desktop Fresh R11.1 EE 2016.1 Desktop (XFCE)
Контактная информация:

Change the default file manager

Сообщение Barreto »

Yes, asa! That worked. Thank you for your help :beer:

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