wine install

Non-LTS (non-Marathon) related topics
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Зарегистрирован: 05 май 2012, 02:39

wine install

Сообщение josy1982 »


today i try wine to install but fails with depencies:

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lib64openal1-1.13-1.x86_64 needed by wine32-1.5.13-3.i586 needed by  wine32-1.5.13-3.i586 needed bywine32-1.5.13-3.i586
        error while checking dependencies
[root@rosa2012 jovan]# 
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Зарегистрирован: 12 сен 2011, 13:44

Re: wine install

Сообщение akdengi »

Add 32-bit repo. Find forum topics - answer was been here.
Сообщения: 35
Зарегистрирован: 05 май 2012, 02:39

Re: wine install

Сообщение josy1982 »

I have the 32 bit repos but the error appears.

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/etc/openal/alsoft.conf  by openal-1.15-2.i586 conflicts with lib64openal1-1.13-1.x86_64
Сообщения: 505
Зарегистрирован: 23 ноя 2011, 21:27

Re: wine install

Сообщение d_uragan »

You should install libopenal1, not openal itself.
Сообщения: 35
Зарегистрирован: 05 май 2012, 02:39

Re: wine install

Сообщение josy1982 »


no it works i can install wine 32 bit now but i have another problem if i try to run wine configurator it tells me that cannot find wine 64 bit i don't understand.

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[jovan@localhost ~]$ winecfg
/usr/bin/winecfg: Line 33: /usr/bin/wine64: not found
[jovan@localhost ~]$ 
why i need 64 bit if i use 32 bit so something is not ok.
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Зарегистрирован: 23 янв 2013, 05:52
Operating system: Rosa Linux Fresh 2012 x86_64, Fedora 17 x86_64
Откуда: Peoria, Illinois USA

Re: wine install

Сообщение tuxcore82 »

My solution is a hack at best, it may be undone with an update and I haven't completely tested it. You have been warned. :-D

If you edit the file /usr/bin/winecfg on line 33 to read:

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exec "/usr/bin/wine" "$appname" "$@"
Instead of:

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exec "/usr/bin/wine64" "$appname" "$@"
This forces the script to only look in the 32 bit directory for the wine files first and only. I have a x86_64 system and it looks like our systems kept trying to look somewhere that caused the script to quit for whatever reason. I might tinker with this more later, but it might get you started if you are still interested.
Сообщения: 1
Зарегистрирован: 16 фев 2013, 05:26
Operating system: ROSA, W8, Ubu, Kubu

Re: wine install

Сообщение morph3x »

I have a problem running wine:

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/usr/bin/wineserver: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
How to fix? Please help. Im on 64bit rosa but i added 32bit repos and replaced 64bit wine with 32bit one. Getting the libwine error now.
I even tried the hack mentioned in previous post still not working. and symlink are present in /usr/lib
Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 18 июн 2013, 15:04
Operating system: Rosa Desktop Fresh R1 64 bits laptop

Re: wine install

Сообщение Ghermain »

No he podido instalar WINE en ROSA Fresh R1 64 bits, lo instalo desde la línea de comandos o desde el modo gráfico pero no trabaja.
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Зарегистрирован: 01 июн 2011, 13:11
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Re: wine install

Сообщение ДроноваЮ »

Ghermain писал(а):No he podido instalar WINE en ROSA Fresh R1 64 bits, lo instalo desde la línea de comandos o desde el modo gráfico pero no trabaja.
Tienes que borrar primero el wine de la sistema completamente, anadir de nuevo los 64 repos y 32 repos (es importante!) , instalar el wine64.
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Зарегистрирован: 31 июл 2012, 22:10
Operating system: Rosa 2012 x64
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Re: wine install

Сообщение viking »

Ghermain писал(а):No he podido instalar WINE en ROSA Fresh R1 64 bits, lo instalo desde la línea de comandos o desde el modo gráfico pero no trabaja.
Please do not get me wrong, but this is English speaking forum. If we all start to write in our native languages, only few people would understand what we are writing.

I used Google translate and I think I know what you want, but I am not sure. Looks like you can not install Wine in ROSA Fresh R1 x64.

You need to add appropriate 32bit repos in order to successfully install Wine, but if I remember correctly they are already there in R1.

Those are all 32bit repos, since I am not sure which of them you need for Wine (but I am pretty sure that you do not need NonFree and Restricted):

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urpmi.addmedia Main_32_release
urpmi.addmedia --update Main_32_updates
urpmi.addmedia Contrib_32_release
urpmi.addmedia --update Contrib_32_updates
urpmi.addmedia NonFree_32_release
urpmi.addmedia --update NonFree_32_updates
urpmi.addmedia Restricted_32_release
urpmi.addmedia --update Restricted_32_updates
Also I always use PlayOnLinux instead of pure Wine. You can think of PlayOnLinux as Wine on steroids, since you can install multiple versions of Wine and have bottles with different wine versions. 8)
Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 18 июн 2013, 15:04
Operating system: Rosa Desktop Fresh R1 64 bits laptop

Re: wine install

Сообщение Ghermain »

Viking: Thanks I will try your recommendations.

If I wrote in Spanish is because they do not master another language, use Google translator but it would be good to support the Hispanic community to increase users ROSA, sometimes languages ​​are limiting a good layout. :beer:
Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 18 июн 2013, 15:04
Operating system: Rosa Desktop Fresh R1 64 bits laptop

Re: wine install

Сообщение Ghermain »

ДроноваЮ писал(а):
Ghermain писал(а):No he podido instalar WINE en ROSA Fresh R1 64 bits, lo instalo desde la línea de comandos o desde el modo gráfico pero no trabaja.
Tienes que borrar primero el wine de la sistema completamente, anadir de nuevo los 64 repos y 32 repos (es importante!) , instalar el wine64.
Bueno ya lo hice y además añadí lo recomendado por Viking en el comentario de abajo, con los repos, luego vuelvo a instalar WINE64 y al terminar busco el .exe del programa que necesito y me trabaja sin problema. Gracias. :beer:

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