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04 сен 2022, 13:06
Форум: ROSA Fresh R9 and later (2016.1)
Тема: Screen energy switch off is not working
Ответы: 2
Просмотры: 4265

Screen energy switch off is not working

Yes, in ubuntu. It was a little better, but the overal "behavior" its not good. Some things are not visible straight away like screen small "glitches-flashes". After some digging I found out that is the reason my eyes got tiered, It might also be the rendering mechanism. Perhaps in the near future ...
25 авг 2022, 00:14
Форум: ROSA Fresh R9 and later (2016.1)
Тема: Screen energy switch off is not working
Ответы: 2
Просмотры: 4265

Screen energy switch off is not working

Made a new installation R12 2021.1, and in general its working great! Although I have some issues. One is about energy saver. The screen switch off is not working, if the pc is not in sleep mode the screen stays on and bright. Its not just Rosa, similar effect is happening in other distributions ...
23 авг 2022, 15:10
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: Newcomer
Ответы: 4
Просмотры: 16485


Ok, fair enough. :beer:
Will manage to reformat the drive soon and, "I will be back" :D
22 авг 2022, 18:51
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: Newcomer
Ответы: 4
Просмотры: 16485


Thanks for the reply
irton писал(а): 22 авг 2022, 15:30 Google translate help you
It sure does, but makes things complicated especially when I want to write o post.
So I guess the english speaking section of the forum is not active at the moment?
22 авг 2022, 01:05
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: Newcomer
Ответы: 4
Просмотры: 16485


Hello, I would like to try again Rosa. At the first attempt I had some issues and since I don't know Russian, could not find any help. So for now I would like to confirm if help is available.

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