Найдено 10 результатов

15 янв 2018, 21:56
Форум: ROSA-Polska
Тема: Rosa Resources
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 12685

Rosa Resources

08 май 2017, 21:26
Форум: ROSA-Polska
Тема: ROSA Fresh R9 - 2016.1 Wydana
Ответы: 8
Просмотры: 22443

Re: ROSA Fresh R9 - 2016.1 Wydana

jakiś czas temu zainstalowałem aktualizację z rosy r8 do wersji r9 tej z abf (było przy "wymianie" kde4 na plasmę5) i od tego czasu pracuje stabilnie
problemem dla mnie był brak geolokalizacji w digikamie (nie było kompilowane z marble - obiecali uaktualnić w przyszłości) - spróbowałem ...
26 апр 2017, 16:40
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: DIGIKAM 5.5 missing geolocation in R9
Ответы: 4
Просмотры: 15538

Re: DIGIKAM 5.5 missing geolocation in R9

I use digikam mainly as pictures database, search by date, place etc and put manually geolocation data (my camera has no gps).
Do IT would be great if this feature would be back
26 апр 2017, 12:54
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: DIGIKAM 5.5 missing geolocation in R9
Ответы: 4
Просмотры: 15538

Re: DIGIKAM 5.5 missing geolocation in R9

no help ?
20 апр 2017, 13:31
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: DIGIKAM 5.5 missing geolocation in R9
Ответы: 4
Просмотры: 15538

DIGIKAM 5.5 missing geolocation in R9

I've installed version digikam 5.5 from official repo (yandex) and everything went smooth and works but
there is no map on the right panel, no geolocation options via ITEM
i've searched internet: kipi-plugin-gpsssync went to core which have to be build against marble (installed ver 16.12)
now i ...
15 апр 2017, 17:43
Форум: Программы РОСА десктоп
Тема: Digikam в R9
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 5015

Re: Digikam в R9

What with kipi plugins geolocation change date/time/name etc (sorry for english but i've been learning russian in primary school 35years ago)
08 фев 2017, 13:59
Форум: ROSA-Polska
Тема: Firefox 50.1.0 a Rosa R8
Ответы: 2
Просмотры: 11652

Re: Firefox 50.1.0 a Rosa R8

warto sprawdzić uaktualnienie do libpng
w repozytorium wersja firefox 51
24 янв 2017, 22:59
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: <solved> black screen after upgrade from kde 4.13 to plasma 5.7.2
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 11659

<solved> black screen after upgrade from kde 4.13 to plasma 5.7.2

i've upgraded from kde 4.13 to plasma5 using abf repositories (removing kde before)
enabled sddm and after reboot i can see login screen from sddm and after login there is only black screen with mouse cursor
i tried to reinstall amdgpu (free) driver but without effect

in systemctrl sddm log is ...
19 янв 2017, 13:52
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Ответы: 5
Просмотры: 17866


i've got RX480 working on Rosa with BIG help from euspectre
important thing
there has to be NOT option nomodeset in kernel options
when i've removed it then system started and amd works
29 сен 2016, 20:45
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: New DigiKam ver 5.x in R8
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 3460

New DigiKam ver 5.x in R8

Is there a possibility of rpm of new digikam version 5.x in R8 ?
i've got version 4.14 and last week geolocation stopped to work - you can assign gps coordinates but nothing shows on map

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