Найдено 85 результатов

20 фев 2022, 14:40
Форум: Обсуждение ROSA Fresh R12 (платформа 2021.1)
Тема: Драгора теряет все свои пакеты.
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 1557

Драгора теряет все свои пакеты.

Я установил Lutris и Wine, а затем весь контент любого репозитория исчез. Я запускаю это в virtualbox, и уже пытался сбросить настройки и снова включить репозиторий.


Я также не нахожу пакетов, когда использую внутренний поиск.

DNF работает.
20 фев 2022, 01:39
Форум: Обсуждение ROSA Fresh R12 (платформа 2021.1)
Тема: Ядро с патчем XanMod для ROSA Fresh R12
Ответы: 190
Просмотры: 159579

Ядро с патчем XanMod для ROSA Fresh R12

Это очень интересно. Хотя, когда я смотрю бенчмарки, я вижу, что Clear Linux работает значительно более производительно , чем XanMod.

И когда XanMod работает так же хорошо, как Clear, это в основном из-за патчей, которые они интегрировали из него (как в случае с кодировкой AV1).

Можем ли мы ...
20 фев 2022, 01:14
Форум: Обсуждение ROSA Fresh R12 (платформа 2021.1)
Тема: Gwenview - как вернуть панель инструментов вверху?
Ответы: 6
Просмотры: 3627

Gwenview - как вернуть панель инструментов вверху?

В случае, если он все еще заблокирован, вы должны сначала разблокировать его, но поскольку вы вытащили его с места, я думаю, что он все еще разблокирован.

20 фев 2022, 01:04
Форум: Обсуждение ROSA Fresh R12 (платформа 2021.1)
Тема: XRender in Virtualbox
Ответы: 7
Просмотры: 3126

XRender in Virtualbox

Да, я это понимаю. Я думаю, что это связано с низкой пропускной способностью памяти. Для этих систем я бы рекомендовал 32-битную версию в любом случае.
В моем случае XRender приводит к артефактам, а OpenGL исправляет это.

Таким образом, оба мира имеют свою долю еды:

64 бит >> OpenGL
32 бит ...
20 фев 2022, 00:54
Форум: Обсуждение ROSA Fresh R12 (платформа 2021.1)
Тема: Неправильно применена раскладка клавиатуры
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 1975

Неправильно применена раскладка клавиатуры

я думаю, что большинство людей, которые выбирают язык x, также любят раскладку клавиатуры x. Это случай по умолчанию, поэтому, возможно, создание этого стандарта хорошо. Спасибо за поддержку.
19 фев 2022, 18:27
Форум: Обсуждение ROSA Fresh R12 (платформа 2021.1)
Тема: XRender in Virtualbox
Ответы: 7
Просмотры: 3126

XRender in Virtualbox

Не существует интегрированного графического чипа 64-битного процессора, не поддерживающего OpenGL 2.
19 фев 2022, 17:21
Форум: Обсуждение ROSA Fresh R12 (платформа 2021.1)
Тема: XRender in Virtualbox
Ответы: 7
Просмотры: 3126

XRender in Virtualbox

Я не говорил, что. XRender основан на процессоре, OpenGL использует GPU. XRender по умолчанию в ROSA, я считаю это ошибкой.
19 фев 2022, 17:15
Форум: Обсуждение ROSA Fresh R12 (платформа 2021.1)
Тема: Urpmf not available anymore
Ответы: 2
Просмотры: 1588

Urpmf not available anymore

Привет :)

В последний раз я использовал ROSA пару лет назад и вернулся сегодня. :D
Я тогда использовал urpmf для поиска пакетов в командной строке.
Сейчас, кажется, далеко.

То же самое относится и к urpmq. оба все еще находятся на официальной вики .
И они также упоминаются на справочной странице ...
19 фев 2022, 16:34
Форум: Обсуждение ROSA Fresh R12 (платформа 2021.1)
Тема: Неправильно применена раскладка клавиатуры
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 1975

Неправильно применена раскладка клавиатуры

Всем привет :)

Я выбираю «немецкий» в процессе установки, а ROSA Fresh KDE 5 вместо этого устанавливает английский и русский языки.

Я считаю это ошибкой в процессе установки.
Мой графический интерфейс и все остальное было правильно применено.
Только раскладки клавиатуры не было.

Большое спасибо
19 фев 2022, 16:27
Форум: Обсуждение ROSA Fresh R12 (платформа 2021.1)
Тема: XRender in Virtualbox
Ответы: 7
Просмотры: 3126

XRender in Virtualbox


Я только что установил ROSA 12 в Virtualbox и должен сказать, что я очень впечатлен. Одна вещь, которая не казалась приятной, — это выбор XRender, поскольку он приводил к множеству визуальных сбоев и ошибок.

Как только я перешел на OpenGL, он значительно улучшился.

Есть два решения ...
22 мар 2017, 20:25
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: ROSA 8.1
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 11599

ROSA 8.1

08 мар 2017, 14:22
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Updated version of the image writer
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 15066

Re: Updated version of the image writer

They are without any integrity check.
24 янв 2017, 06:10
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Updated version of the image writer
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 15066

Updated version of the image writer

Hi there :)

Here is an updated and overworked version of the ROSA Image writer, including verification of the ISO on the stick, which means the integrity of the stick itself and the port get ensured: https://github.com/KaOSx/isowriter
08 янв 2017, 09:35
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: ROMP Qt5
Ответы: 2
Просмотры: 13459


Hi there :)

Will there be a port of ROMP to Qt5?
08 янв 2017, 09:33
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Outdated Homepage
Ответы: 2
Просмотры: 13913

Re: Outdated Homepage

Thanks a lot for the answer. :)

- I do not know English.

That is fine - while it might be a great idea that someone with English skills maintain the English version of the website, yes?

ROSA Desktop Fresh is a modern Linux operating system made in Russia, developed by a community and available ...
31 дек 2016, 00:05
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Outdated Homepage
Ответы: 2
Просмотры: 13913

Outdated Homepage

Yes i know, non-russian users are 2nd class users here (if at all) i hint you anyway: The Homepage is outdated.
Nothing special, just the download page: http://en.rosalinux.com/rosa-fresh/

(R8 is out since half a year?)

By the way: Is it really your serious meaning, that RED is dropped and you ...
24 авг 2016, 00:32
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Qt5 port of ROMP
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 2786

Qt5 port of ROMP

Is there a Qt5 port of ROMP?
13 авг 2016, 12:05
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Download Links (R8)
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 3240

Download Links (R8)

It would be nice, to put download links on the english R8 announcement: http://wiki.rosalab.ru/en/index.php/ROSA_Desktop_Fresh_R8

Why release a software, when even distrowatch is able to do, what the internal team lacks?

There is also no R8 section on this forum.

I know, ROSA is completly focused ...
27 мар 2016, 23:16
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: ABF
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 3056


"It is our perfect and completely automated developer platform. Register in ABF absolutely free and simply become a Linux developer. From code to ISO image. Join community right now."'

Ok, i am a member of ABF since about a year, wait since so long for the option to create an iso and now does it ...
27 мар 2016, 22:41
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: KLook
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 3004


The announcement of R7 means: KLook now supports video encoded with h.265.

Where is this updated KLook?
27 ноя 2015, 00:16
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: [Solved] No sound after update
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 2987

[Solved] No sound after update

My sound was gone after the youngest update. I solve it with:


Then choose the output module, an USB device in my case. (HDMI was prechoosen here)

It might be, that you can solve your issue like that as well. If not, set your output device in the tap "output devices" as well.
28 окт 2015, 00:56
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: KDE Plasma 5 installation problem
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 6873

Re: KDE Plasma 5 installation problem

In order to prevent broken systems, is it recommended from my side to test ROSAs implementation of plasma 5 with a live ISO:


PLEASE CHECK the "Status" column and use of course just successful builds. And check the MD5/SHA number. :)

(md5sum /path/to/ISO)
28 окт 2015, 00:27
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Request of packages
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 5783

Re: Request of packages

What happens, when you compile with clang, which spend you usually more infos about compiling errors ?

If you are lucky, can you reach a dev in the ROSA IRC, just download and install Quassel, the server and room is preconfigured there.
(irc.rosalab.ru #rosa-devel)

Or you write an issue report ...
28 окт 2015, 00:20
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Outdated Chromium > Download Chrome
Ответы: 2
Просмотры: 6422

Outdated Chromium > Download Chrome

Since Chromium receive since over a half year no update anymore and because the related issue report get ignored since about 2 months, make this Chromium to a potential entrance for exploits. In order to surf save and up-to-date, just download Chrome from here:

64 Bit: https://dl.google.com/linux ...
05 авг 2015, 02:48
Форум: ROSA-Deutsch
Тема: Danke und Hallo
Ответы: 2
Просмотры: 18989

Re: Danke und Hallo

Sei gegrüsst :D
02 авг 2015, 11:28
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: FPM
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 13456


Maybe in someone interest: https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm
10 июл 2015, 21:21
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Grub2 stopped loading after bios update.
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 7353

Re: Grub2 stopped loading after bios update.

Offtopic: How to design your path in konsole/terminal like that, please ? :)
04 июл 2015, 11:16
Форум: Marathon (LTS) General Software
Тема: Important hint for contrib users !
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 13548

Important hint for contrib users !

There had been a typo in the wiki page of Enterprise X2 which cause, if you add the contribution repos with the command written there, that all contribution updates get not recognized by the update app, only by command line and drakrpm.

Please run this command, if you use i586 aka 32 Bit, in order ...
24 июн 2015, 17:59
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: edit SimpleWelcome
Ответы: 4
Просмотры: 6259

Re: edit SimpleWelcome

You install something and the launcher dont appear ?
Then restart, if the issue stays then, please note, which app ?

Or do you mean, how to add something personal ?
10 июн 2015, 14:56
Форум: Desktop
Тема: Launcher for Hardware Probe
Ответы: 8
Просмотры: 24594

Re: Launcher for Hardware Probe

The problem is that the user should be able to set its own name of the probe. Seems that is is not possible to do using this launcher. We should create an application with the appropriate GUI interface for that.

:) You can do this (with name computer):
screencast1 - https://yadi.sk/i ...
10 июн 2015, 12:38
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Show external devices on PXE clients (LTSP)
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 3028

Show external devices on PXE clients (LTSP)

Hi there :)

The german ubuntu wiki explains, that KDEs device manager and Dolphin is not able to show usb sticks
and such on PXE (LTSP) booted ThinClients, they mean, only Nautilus can do that.

Is this correct ?
07 июн 2015, 01:17
Форум: Desktop
Тема: Launcher for Hardware Probe
Ответы: 8
Просмотры: 24594

Re: Launcher for Hardware Probe

That is just a launcher, created in "Edit Applications" Menu of KDE :)

Just follow the Guide here :)

I think, its possible to create a .desktop file, my packaging skillz are low.

If my vote counts: Crystal Ball is imho a nice name for this starter ;)

Thanks a lot for your request :D
05 июн 2015, 13:35
Форум: Desktop
Тема: Please upload your computer probe to the ROSA Hardware Database
Ответы: 7
Просмотры: 23216

Re: Please upload your computer to the ROSA Hardware DB

I develop a way, to make this more easy for the users and will create a package, if the ROSA guys and girls decide, to pre install it: http://forum.rosalab.ru/en/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=5058
29 май 2015, 10:44
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Drivers for Realtek WiFi adapters (including RTL8723BE)
Ответы: 18
Просмотры: 19736

Drivers for Realtek WiFi adapters (including RTL8723BE)

Thanks a lot, Wifi work well with this ISO, we try to get Bluetooth working now. :)

hw-probe detect still issues:

28 май 2015, 09:18
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Just 1024 x 768 with Ati R4
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 6001

Re: Just 1024 x 768 with Ati R4

Ah ok, she (the user) overwrite this Installation already, sorry.
25 май 2015, 22:21
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Drivers for Realtek WiFi adapters (including RTL8723BE)
Ответы: 18
Просмотры: 19736

Re: Drivers for Realtek WiFi adapters (including RTL8723BE)

Fine thanks. I thought, that RHEL sell just the support, thats the reason why other distros like CentOS and ROSA are able to fork it. So long as this is possible, i am happy. :D
25 май 2015, 22:14
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Just 1024 x 768 with Ati R4
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 6001

Just 1024 x 768 with Ati R4

ROSA Desktop Fresh R5, open source drivers. Here is the hw-probe of this device:


Same story with 4.0 and the default 3.14 kernel
25 май 2015, 20:55
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Drivers for Realtek WiFi adapters (including RTL8723BE)
Ответы: 18
Просмотры: 19736

Re: Drivers for Realtek WiFi adapters (including RTL8723BE)

Yes. What I know is that it is based on the package base of ROSA Fresh R5 with updates. What else is there - it is better to ask our officials. Same for the release dates.

Its sad for me to see, that this release is not free. How fit that the GPL, please ?

As I promised earlier, I scheduled ...
25 май 2015, 17:54
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Drivers for Realtek WiFi adapters (including RTL8723BE)
Ответы: 18
Просмотры: 19736

Re: Drivers for Realtek WiFi adapters (including RTL8723BE)

And the Enterprise Desktop is also based on ROSA ? Just a rename ? When comes the next release, please ?

The woman download the current official release, since a cusual download use to much time in her area
and a torrent is also more save. (To not break the ISO)

She runs also in the installed ...
25 май 2015, 13:11
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Drivers for Realtek WiFi adapters (including RTL8723BE)
Ответы: 18
Просмотры: 19736

Re: Drivers for Realtek WiFi adapters (including RTL8723BE)

Well, the dates of the releases are not for me to decide ;-)
My colleagues need to maintain a "big picture" of releases for
* ROSA Fresh R*
* ROSA Enterprise Desktop (based on ROSA Fresh R*)
* our server-oriented systems
* our certified systems for various institutions

No Marathon anymore ...
25 май 2015, 11:26
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Drivers for Realtek WiFi adapters (including RTL8723BE)
Ответы: 18
Просмотры: 19736

Re: Drivers for Realtek WiFi adapters (including RTL8723BE)

Thanks a lot for your quick response. :)

Yes, i try the official KDE release. I think in general, that a sensefull release date for R6 comes closer and closer:
The first update is already very huge, especially for areas with low bandwith, i guess the team will wait until the new Kernel appears ...
24 май 2015, 16:19
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Drivers for Realtek WiFi adapters (including RTL8723BE)
Ответы: 18
Просмотры: 19736

Re: Drivers for Realtek WiFi adapters (including RTL8723BE)

The RTL8723BE do not work correct on Ubuntu 15.04 with 3.19, (Wifi is unstable there, Bluetooth dont work with 2 mobile phones.)

I guess these rtlwifi_new collection is already implemented there ?

Will this device work maybe more likely on ROSA with these drivers ?

I fail to install them in live ...
14 май 2015, 23:11
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Missing rtl8723be module
Ответы: 14
Просмотры: 16604

Re: Missing rtl8723be module

It is likely that we will choose the next 4.x branch that becomes longterm, unless something unexpected happens. No official decision yet, though.

Very good :D

In the meantime, the users are enouraged to test 4.0.x kernels we have prepared.
The feedback is very much appreciated. It will ...
14 май 2015, 23:09
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Missing rtl8723be module
Ответы: 14
Просмотры: 16604

Re: Missing rtl8723be module

14 май 2015, 21:12
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Missing rtl8723be module
Ответы: 14
Просмотры: 16604

Re: Missing rtl8723be module

I see pkgs.org shows still 3.14, is the next Kernel 4.x ? :)
11 апр 2015, 16:14
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Missing rtl8723be module
Ответы: 14
Просмотры: 16604

Re: Missing rtl8723be module

Thanks a lot, you make the case a bit more clear to me and confirm some of my assumptions, including the idea of a slow rolling and "LTS rolling" Kernel.
KaOS, as an example, ship an (at least) 6 weeks old kernel, so the second freshest Kernel. (I never face a Kernel issue in 1 1/2 years on this ...
08 апр 2015, 19:13
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Missing rtl8723be module
Ответы: 14
Просмотры: 16604

Re: Missing rtl8723be module

Yes, i guess as well, that the (very most) contributions come from Canonical.

What i mean is: Can we use LTS Kernels, which get support by other distro`s, in terms of backported drivers ?
04 апр 2015, 20:17
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Missing rtl8723be module
Ответы: 14
Просмотры: 16604

Re: Missing rtl8723be module

Since Mint plans to ship this Kernel until 2019, is it likely, that they port newer drivers for that "old" Kernel.

It might be an nice idea, to use such Kernels. Debian, as one example more, do the same. This decision is up to the developers.
01 апр 2015, 11:09
Форум: Desktop
Тема: How to undervolt my CPU ?
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 4516

How to undervolt my CPU ?

How to undervolt my CPU in ROSA ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php? ... el+upgrade

I found a hint in a bug report, which describes, that this can resolve my cpu temp issue: http://bugs.rosalinux.ru/show_bug.cgi?id=5021

Thanks in advance :)
22 мар 2015, 17:19
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: New Drivers for the default kernel ?
Ответы: 9
Просмотры: 11327

Re: New Drivers for the default kernel ?

http://wiki.rosalab.ru/en/index.php/Urp ... new_kernel

(I like the idea, to upgrade the Kernel, so long as this is very huge tested. Can i help with testing then ? I guess a Alpha/Beta/RC ISO get released, in order to test it on multiple devices in live mode ?)
21 мар 2015, 18:26
Форум: Desktop
Тема: ROSA Desktop Fresh R5 LXDE
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 7362

Re: ROSA Desktop Fresh R5 LXDE

I am not sure, if this announement is meant as ready, the download link directs to an empty templete page, while there is already a working one: http://wiki.rosalab.ru/en/index.php/ROSA_Release#ROSA_Desktop_Fresh_R5_LXDE

And it seems, as one image isnt displayed (at least here on chromium): "640px ...
21 мар 2015, 13:20
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: New Drivers for the default kernel ?
Ответы: 9
Просмотры: 11327

Re: New Drivers for the default kernel ?

Yes, WiFi is in general currently a mess with this chip, i install 3.19 on KaOS and it still disconnect from time to time, i will try 3.18 on this device with ROSA, thanks a lot.

Linux 4.1 include kdbus and i think thats a major feature, especially for a distro, that stays so long on one kernel ...
19 мар 2015, 20:24
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: New Drivers for the default kernel ?
Ответы: 9
Просмотры: 11327

New Drivers for the default kernel ?

From GNOME 3 R5 live mode (without updates)

19 мар 2015, 19:26
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: New Drivers for the default kernel ?
Ответы: 9
Просмотры: 11327

Re: New Drivers for the default kernel ?

I think so, ROSA KDE R5 boot only in basic installation mode with correct graphics on my Acer Aspire E 17 and the touchpad refuse to work at all:

Acer Aspire E 17 (E5-721-621B)
A6-6310 with R4 Graphics
A4-6000 with R2 Graphics

Thanks in advance
18 мар 2015, 18:18
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: New Drivers for the default kernel ?
Ответы: 9
Просмотры: 11327

New Drivers for the default kernel ?

Get the default kernel in ROSA back ported driver modules, like in debian ?
16 фев 2015, 22:23
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: Focus on 64 Bit
Ответы: 8
Просмотры: 24953

Re: Focus on 64 Bit

You avoid logical arguments.
16 фев 2015, 15:50
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: Focus on 64 Bit
Ответы: 8
Просмотры: 24953

Re: Focus on 64 Bit

So you avoid the issue
16 фев 2015, 04:19
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: Focus on 64 Bit
Ответы: 8
Просмотры: 24953

Re: Focus on 64 Bit

So ROSA Marathon get created for 1% of the user base ? And for which reason is a fresh system such important on more than 10 year old devices, which often have troubles to use facebook and youtube at the same time ?
14 фев 2015, 14:45
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: nsswitch / Update
Ответы: 2
Просмотры: 4733

Re: nsswitch / Update

ok, thanks
14 фев 2015, 14:10
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: Focus on 64 Bit
Ответы: 8
Просмотры: 24953

Re: Focus on 64 Bit

and not to forget such x86-only packages as Skype, Steam etc

As stated, is it still possible to ship these packages on 64 Bit, like nearly each 64 Bit distro does that: (KaOS is the only one 100 % 64 Bit distro, which i know):

ROSA can put all its focus on 64 Bit ISO`s with lib32 support for ...
13 фев 2015, 16:57
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: Focus on 64 Bit
Ответы: 8
Просмотры: 24953

Focus on 64 Bit

To create the highest quality Distribution possible, is it in my opinion sense full, to put the packaging work into one arch, in order to release a lot of human power.

Other Distros like RHEL/CentOS 7, PC-BSD, Chakra, KaOS and Sabayon already drop their 32 Bit ISO`s, others like Fedora and Ubuntu ...
12 фев 2015, 16:09
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: plasma-nm 9.3
Ответы: 2
Просмотры: 5287

Re: plasma-nm 9.3

The OK Button is disabled in this Menu (and why i have to choose this, after years of working out of the box in KDE ?): http://imgur.com/EGVBBZz
12 фев 2015, 01:33
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: nsswitch / Update
Ответы: 2
Просмотры: 4733

nsswitch / Update

08 фев 2015, 14:04
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: screen record video
Ответы: 4
Просмотры: 7511

Re: screen record video

Denis Silakov solve this Issue:


Updated list of gui packages in rpmdrake - added Simplescreenrecorder and a lot of other applications.

Build lists:

08 фев 2015, 00:17
Форум: Desktop
Тема: REPLACING Rocketbar
Ответы: 2
Просмотры: 5599

Re: REPLACING Rocketbar

How do I replace ROSA FResh R5 ROCKETBAR panel with casual panel and plasma-applet-icontasks?

You find on the right side of the Panel a Icon: Click on it and the Panel Options appear.
Click on: More Settings > Remove this Panel.

Then right click on the Desktop > Add Panel > Default Panel

Then ...
07 фев 2015, 20:42
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: plasma-nm 9.3
Ответы: 2
Просмотры: 5287

plasma-nm 9.3

This annoying plasma-nm (network manager) bug is back on my new R5 Installation: https://forums.openmandriva.org/en/disc ... asma-nm/p1

So my WLAN Password dont get saved, when i disable KWallet.
07 фев 2015, 16:03
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: ROSA Playing DVD's
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 5734

Re: ROSA Playing DVD's

Thanks Shalok,

I didn't read far enough on that post. Once I installed all the libraries listed the video played then stopped. Now that I see it as a bug, I'll have to use a different distro as playing DVDs is important to my client.

I'll keep an eye on that post to see if there are any changes ...
07 фев 2015, 15:56
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: screen record video
Ответы: 4
Просмотры: 7511

Re: screen record video

I would be more then happy to see vokosreen or ssr*(simple screen recorder) in ROSA :)

Simple Screen Recorder is in the Repos: http://i.imgur.com/487F3hW.png

Soever, you have to change from "show all Apps with a GUI" to "show all Apps" in rpmdrake. (the graphical Package Manager.)

You can ...
03 фев 2015, 00:33
Форум: Desktop
Тема: Read only blank (and own written) DVDs
Ответы: 9
Просмотры: 25329

Re: Read only blank (and own written) DVDs

Any News ? Does it work on Open Mandriva ? Is see no Forums and/or Issue Entry there.
02 фев 2015, 01:36
Форум: Desktop
Тема: Alternative Installer (Calamares)
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 8104

Re: Alternative Installer (Calamares)

The Open Mandriva Team decide to integrate it: https://wiki.openmandriva.org/en/Release_3/Release_Notes#Calamares

You can follow that Process here: https://issues.openmandriva.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1016 and here: https://forums.openmandriva.org/en/discussion/comment/3906


By the Way: Calamares ...
22 янв 2015, 23:41
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Firefox 34 > 35
Ответы: 2
Просмотры: 4248

Re: Firefox 34 > 35

Oh thanks a lot for the quick and helpful response. :)
21 янв 2015, 17:43
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Firefox 34 > 35
Ответы: 2
Просмотры: 4248

Firefox 34 > 35

Hi there, is there a specific Reason, why we use still Firefox 34 ?

Thanks :)
16 янв 2015, 04:24
Форум: Desktop
Тема: Read only blank (and own written) DVDs
Ответы: 9
Просмотры: 25329

Re: Read only blank (and own written) DVDs

Oh, ok, thanks a lot. I can life without these DVDs. :)

Does that mean, that DRM protected DVDs are broken (or libdvd_) since R3 KDE ? o.O

For all Users ? (And why do you use R3 ? :P )
15 янв 2015, 17:47
Форум: Desktop
Тема: Read only blank (and own written) DVDs
Ответы: 9
Просмотры: 25329

Re: Read only blank (and own written) DVDs

Here is the log, i eject and insert the disc before and while the log runs: https://paste.kde.org/pibfd6sbz
Since Dolphin and the Device Plasmaoid in Systemtray avoid to show any Entry, same as /media, how can automount be the issue ?

Note: A Tutorial told me, to install libdvdcss/read/nav and miss ...
14 янв 2015, 21:50
Форум: Desktop
Тема: Read only blank (and own written) DVDs
Ответы: 9
Просмотры: 25329

Read only blank (and own written) DVDs

Hi there ^-^

I install libdvdcss2, libdvdnav4, libdvdread4 and when i insert official DVDs like Anno 1404,
try the DVD Drive to read them and then happens nothing more. (ROSA Fresh R5)

Dolphin and the Plasma Device Manager miss the DVD Entry.
12 янв 2015, 22:59
Форум: Desktop
Тема: Launcher for Hardware Probe
Ответы: 8
Просмотры: 24594

Launcher for Hardware Probe

"Today the market offers a huge variety of configurations of personal computers. In the development of the ROSA operating system we make considerable efforts to support all possible configurations.

Five years ago, when developing first versions of the operating system and, until recently, we used ...
15 дек 2014, 20:59
Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
Тема: Hi there :D
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 3820

Hi there :D

I fall in love with ROSA in the last 2 Weeks..

My free software experience is based on helpful people and "pain-in-the-xxx" Distrohopping, in order to find an operating System, which works out of the box on a lot of different hardware.

I am really ready to help here with my free resources ...
09 дек 2014, 23:13
Форум: Desktop
Тема: Alternative Installer (Calamares)
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 8104

Re: Alternative Installer (Calamares)

It might be possible, to add OpenLMI Support to Calamares, Modules can get written in C++ and/or Python.
04 дек 2014, 04:46
Форум: Desktop
Тема: Alternative Installer (Calamares)
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 8104

Alternative Installer (Calamares)

Hi there ;)

I read somewhere, that the ROSA Team is a little bit unhappy with the current Installer, afaik is it outdated ?

KaOS and some other Distributions build together a Qt 5 based Installer Framework, Kevin Kofler from Fedora add rpm support, Teo, a payed BlueSystems Developer from Netrunner ...

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